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" Heat Waves - Glass Animals "
I am so freaking tired but today is Harry's first task. Hermione and I ran to the champion's tent. We wanted to give Harry a last-minute confidence boost.
" I will try to call him. Everything will be alright" I assured Hermione
" Psst,  psst, are you Harry? "
" Yes "
" Good luck Harry. I know you will do it. "
Both of us girls jumped out from behind and gave him a big hug.
" Oh threesome young love I guess"
Fuck that Rita Skeeter
" Oh If something happened to him, you all will be on the front page."
" Oh Skeeter get out of here before I Avada kadavra you " I hissed at her
" Oh don't be mad honey I am going " she walked out with a sly smile.
I hate that lady.
Dumbledore came in with a few other people.
" Come around champions! Wait what are Miss Asterin and Miss Granger doing here? "
" Oh uhh we are going," Hermione said
We walked out of the tent and I took a seat with All my friends. But Draco was just beside me. Luna was on my left. Neville Ron and Hermione were above me. The time was tense. But all three champions managed to complete the task. Now It was Harry's turn.
He looked scared.
All the best

For the first five minutes, he was just hiding.
" Use your wand Harry" yelled Hermione
" ACCIO FIREBOLT " He shouted
The broom came flying and he lunged on it. He tried his best to take the dragon egg but he was losing his mind.
Just after some time the dragon managed to break the chain and started to follow Harry
He was not in sight anymore. It was giving me anxiety. What if he is stuck or worse caught by the dragon?
We were hoping for the best. Trying to spot Harry in mid-air. We spotted a small thing flying. It was Harry and he was flying towards the egg! Oh my Merlin thank God
I was so excited that I didn't realize who I was hugging instead of Luna. It was Malfoy
I gave him the biggest hug I can and a cheek kiss. I should act like it didn't happen.
After the match, I was so happy and cheerful. Harry was in the hospital wing as his arm had something wrong.
I was in my dorm when someone knocked.
" Whoever you are can you please-  Oh uh Malfoy? "
" Sorry to disturb you, I wanted to ask did you mean it. "
" Mean what? " I asked
" T-the cheek kiss, did you mean it? "
" No, I just thought you were Luna "
" Oh yes my bad," He said looking sad
He turned around and walked away.
He looked like I had slashed his heart with a sword.
A few days later
Great Hall

" There is going to be a ball? Quite fun you know" Yelled Ginny
" I know right? Krum has already asked me out! " Said, Hermione
" Good for you Hermione what about you Eve? " Luna asked me
" I don't know, I am not either good at dressing or I can dance " I huffed
Even if I can dance, I am in the choir so I will only get to dance at late midnight. And there is no way a boy would ask me out. I am just too boring and annoying according to people.
Neville is already going with Ginny, Ron, and Harry don't dare to ask me out, Theo is going with some Slytherin girl. I guess I will not have a date. Funny right?
No, it's not. The only person I approve of a date would be either Neville or Ron. But I might not get a chance to dance.
I excused myself and headed to my dorm.
These days are not the brightest. I always feel like somebody's watching me. All the time like a spy. My dreams are unusual. I get dreams about my bad days and also of some garden. I remember the days I would spend my time crying near the black lake. Near the white heather flowers, the flowers grow over lands with no bloodshed. I would cry my heart out. Why do I need to live up to the expectations of people who didn't matter to me? I barely see my dad. I don't even know whether he is alive or not. I miss the times I didn't know anything about the world, I might sound old for my age but it's because I was forced to grow up early. Why you ask because I needed to live in this cruel world of lies. One thing I learned when I was 6 was that promises are the sweetest lies. Those are just some shitty lies that give people hope to live. I don't want such lies. I remember the last promise I heard was of my father. He said that he loved me at all costs, even with his life.
Evan and Blair are like my parents. Or more than parents. They are the actual ones who would give their life for me. I was abused so much by my mother. I remember the nights when Evan used to put medicine on my cuts and cared for my bruises.
I just wanted to be happy. Narcissa used to bring gifts for me and also promised me to show her Manor when I am old enough.
Thinking all of this made me tear up.
I was looking out of the window. I just want a big hug right now.

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