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"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day
In the dimly lit room of the Room of Requirement, I stood alongside my friends, united by a common purpose – to fight against the darkness that threatened Hogwarts and the wizarding world. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on our shoulders, but I was determined to rise to the challenge.
We are the future, and only we can change it.

As spells and incantations filled the air, the room buzzed with the energy of young witches and wizards honing their magical skills.

Hermione's precise movements demonstrated his analytical mind at work, Luna's ethereal presence lent an air of mystique to our training, and Fred and George's mischievous grins reminded us to find joy even in the darkest of times. I, Evara Asterin, led our group with an unwavering resolve, my fiery hair reflecting the determination that burned within me.

We all knew what we wanted, our intentions were clear.

To kill voldemort
My only desire and goal

But our spell practice session was abruptly interrupted by a crashing door, and my heart skipped a beat as I met the cold gaze of Draco . Beside him stood Dolores Umbridge, a figure I had grown to despise. The oppressive atmosphere intensified as their eyes bore into us, and I could sense the danger that loomed.

I had anger fuming in my eyes as my eyes gazed upon them.

Draco's malicious smirk sent a shiver down my spine but seconds later, his smirk turned into a plae shock face. I held my ground, determined not to show weakness in the face of their hostility. As Umbridge's saccharine voice filled the room, I struggled to maintain my composure. Her presence alone was suffocating, and her power over the students was a reminder of the darkness that had taken root within the school.

How could Draco do this to me?

I spoke up, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. "We were practicing harmless spells, furthering our magical education," I asserted, hoping my words would be enough to deflect their suspicions. But Umbridge's laughter pierced the air, and I realized that reasoning with her would be a futile endeavor.

I would rather kill her then voldemort

"Young lady, you cannot deceive me," Umbridge retorted, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "I know your kind – rebels, seeking to undermine the order that I've established." Her words were like a venomous snake, and I fought to keep my anger in check.

" Caught red handed, Potter "

Draco's taunts only fueled my determination. "We're here to protect Hogwarts, to prepare for the battles that lie ahead," I shot back, my voice unwavering.
His disdainful sneer only strengthened my resolve to prove him wrong. How bad he could be?

Umbridge's gaze bore into me, her cruel smile sending a chill down my spine. "You will come with us to my office," she declared, her tone final.
There was no room for argument, and my friends and I followed her reluctantly, our footsteps heavy with a sense of foreboding.

As we entered her office, the sickly pink decorations only added to the oppressive atmosphere.

I exchanged a determined glance with my friends, silently promising that we would not be broken by Umbridge's tyranny.
Despite the fear that gripped my heart, I knew that standing united was our greatest strength.

In that moment, I realized that our fight was not just about practicing spells or honing our magical abilities. It was about standing up against injustice, about defying the darkness that threatened to engulf us.

With my friends by my side, I vowed to continue the fight, to resist Umbridge's reign of terror, and to protect the school that had become our home.

As Umbridge's words echoed in the room,
I clung to the hope that our unity, determination, and unwavering spirit would eventually lead us to triumph – a triumph that would shine as a beacon of light in the midst of the looming darkness.
Third person POV

In the quiet corner of the Hogwarts library, Draco and Evara found themselves engrossed in an animated discussion, their voices raised in a heated argument. The tension in the air was palpable, this was the first time they both were burning in anger.

"Evara, you're acting like a fool," Draco's voice dripped with exasperation, his pale features flushed with frustration.

Evara's eyes blazed with defiance, her fiery hair seeming to match the intensity of her emotions. "And you're acting like a coward, Draco. You're too afraid to take a stand and fight for what's right."

Draco's jaw clenched, his anger simmering just below the surface.

"This isn't about cowardice, Eve. It's about using our heads and not blindly rushing into danger."

Evara's voice turned cold, her tone cutting through the air like a knife.

"Using our heads? Is that what you were doing when you stood by when you let Umbridge have her way? Your silence spoke volumes, Draco."

Draco's nostrils flared, his eyes narrowing. "You don't understand the position I was in. It wasn't as simple as you make it out to be."

"Oh, I understand perfectly well," Evara's voice dripped with sarcasm. "You were looking out for yourself, as always. You only care about your own skin."

Draco's voice rose, matching the intensity of the argument. "You're being reckless, Eve. You're so blinded by your self-righteousness that you're putting yourself and your friends in unnecessary danger."

Evara's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and hurt. "At least I have the guts to stand up for what I believe in, Draco. I'm not content to cower and bow to those who seek to control us."

Draco's fists clenched at his sides, his voice laced with bitterness. "And what good is standing up if you're dead? You're so blinded by your ideals that you're willing to throw your life away."

Evara's voice turned icy as she retorted, "Better to die fighting for something than to live a life of submission and fear."

The silence that followed was heavy with tension, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. Draco's chest heaved with anger, his lips forming a tight line.
" I care for you but you didn't seem to notice it. You know what, Evara? Maybe we're not meant to be together if you're so hell-bent on throwing your life away."

Evara's expression hardened, her voice devoid of any trace of warmth. "Maybe you're right, Draco. Maybe our paths are too divergent for us to find common ground."

And with those words, they turned away from each other, the rift between them widening as they walked away, their footsteps echoing the distance that had grown between their once passionate and fiery relationship. Draco looks back to have one more glimpse of her.

" If only you could understand " Draco whispers and he fades away in the darkness of the library.

This is the best chapter I have written till now! I hope you like it!

Stardust And Secrets|| D.M ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang