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" Until I found you - Stephen Sanchez"

Draco's POV:
We both were just going to kiss when she just ran away. Why? Was she scared of something? Or did she saw someone? I thought I should follow her and see where her dorm is. I followed her she is quite swift. I was trying to hide from every single person I crossed and got to know where she had her dorm. I spotted the window which was in her room. I ran to the broom shed took my broom and started flying to her window. The moment I reached it, I was seeing something very beautiful. She was wearing a lace gown and was playing a violin. She was playing so beautifully. She moonlight was reflecting on her skin and she twirled and sprung around. She was so ethereal. The girl who knew all my secrets except that I love her. No, I DONT  EVEN KNOW HER. But I can't stop adoring her. The girl I was wildly in love with was someone who I don't even know. I think I should tell her something.
She was so gorgeous, not by face but by her inner self. She always praised people like her butler Evan and Blair. She told me how she loved her mother  despite treating her like shit. Am I catching feelings for her? No it can't be I am Draco Malfoy, who needs to live up to his father's expectations and how will I if I fall in love.
Just then she saw me and I saw her. We were looking into each other's eyes. I noticed some features of her face were familiar. She looked kind of like... Evara?
I realized that I was going to fall and BAM I landed on my butt over a heap of leaves. Good thing it was there or I would have freaking died.
But was that girl Evara? I don't quite understand what to conclude. I should just go back to my room.
I was walking around the corridor when Snape spotted me
" So Mister Malfoy, what are you doing here at this late hour? Detention for you and Miss Evara tomorrow morning "
Evara? I took a look around and saw Evara sneaking out. That was funny I need to say.
I went back to my dorm, super confused. My sworn enemy is someone who I deeply adore? Really. Then bloody shit.

I wake up in the morning. Good thing that I was not running late. I changed into my robes and went down the great hall. I sat beside Crabbe and Goyle. She was also there. She is so pretty.
I was starting at her, watching her laugh with Potter and her friends. I was always jealous of Potter and his friends. He was the ' chosen one ' and everyone practically worshipped him. He had girls wrapped around his fingers and was better than Quidditch. I was always behind that mudblood in studies but no one cares. They always praise That Granger for being ' the brightest witch of her age ' and don't even start on that Weasel. He follows Potter like a tail.
He thinks he is some sort of king or something.
I snapped out of my thoughts. And rushed to D.A.D.A.
The class was boring as hell but today the champions were going to be announced.

The time had came, the champions were going to be announced. The hall was full of tension and Dumbledore dim the torches. Just then he catches some piece of paper
" Champion of Beaubaxton is... Fleur Delacor "
She was an impressive lady I need to agree
" Champion of Dumstrang is.... Viktor krum " He was no more than body without brains
" Champion of Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory" that Diggory was quite famous n his year. It was predictable.
" So we have our three champions, but only one will g down in history"
Suddenly the goblet started to shake. Then another piece of paper came out
" Harry Potter? HARRY POTTER"  oh hell no he was also in this tournament. He is freaking everywhere. Now he is the youngest to participate in the triwizard tournament. I was so angry at that moment I only knew.
The chaos ended and we were allowed to go back to our dorms.
I was sprinting to my dorm when someone grabbed my had.

" I know you are that night boy " a very soft voice exclaimed

I turned around only to see Evara grabbing my wrist from behind.

" What are you talking about Asterin? " I hissed at her

" Drop the act Draco I saw that ring in your hands "

Holy shit I didn't cover it up

" And I also have that necklace you gave me "
She showed me that sapphire necklace that I bought for her. Now I had no evidence to prove that I am not.
" What are you trying to say? That I am in love with you? Not even in a million years " a big fucking lie
" No I just want to be civil with you, as we are enemies since first year I know that we hate each other the most. But I hate you more than you hate me "

I knew she was lying. She is so obvious when she lies. Does that mean she didn't hated me now?
" Okay now I gotta go, Bye Draco"
she said with her casual sweet smile but the difference is that it was a real smile. She pulled my cheeks and sprinted away. I as still in awe that she touched my cheeks. My mother was the only woman who ever showed me physical affection. Now she wasn't the only one. I am catching feelings for her. Just like the moon loved the Sun. She was th sunshine and I was the moonlight. She i the opposite but I still love her. I realized I was... Smiling? After so many months I finally had a genuine smile on my face. Not a smirk a smile.
I don't know how to react so I just ran away, like I always do.

Stardust And Secrets|| D.M ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora