21 4 2

' Matsuri - Fuji Kaze '
The next day in the great hall I spotted Harry Ron and Hermione. I tried calling them out.
' Ron, Harry Hermione, how are y'all? '
' Oh hey Evara, nice to see you '
They said

'Did you get your schedule? ' I asked
' Yes I did,' said Ron
' I have D.A.D.A with Gryffindor and charms with Hufflepuff '
' Whom do you have astronomy and potions with? ' Hermione inquired

' Slytherin sadly ' I wailed

' Oh don't worry Evara we still have D.A.D.A and Transfiguration together '

Harry chuckled
Yea, that's good enough I guess?
After a hearty breakfast, I rushed for potions. I realized that I have lost my way, I tried asking for help but everyone seemed confused. After minutes of dabbling here and there I found my way out of there to potions just on time.

'Good morning Miss Asterin please take a seat near Mr. Nott' I was greeted by a man, rather tall but with a crooked nose. He had medium-long hair and didn't have a pleasant expression on his face.

Nott was a charming and kind-looking boy and as he talked to me I noticed he was a nice guy.

Good thing he didn't make me sit with that blonde but my bench was beside his. I didn't complain much as I had a nice partner for the rest.

' I am Professor Snape, I will be your potions master. Let's start with some theory as many of you consider yourself quite smart, right Miss Asterin? '
Was he mocking me?

'Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?  '

' Draught of The Living Dead, sir '

' what is it? '

' It is a very powerful dreamless sleep potion, considers to make the person so sleepy that it is considered as a living but dead person '

I knew my answer was right, but there was no reaction on his face.

' Good work Miss Asterin but I still expect better work from you.
10 points to Ravenclaw '
Finally, the class ended and Snape gave us homework
'You need to write a 2 parchment essay on the Draught of Living Death you can also pair up with your partner '
I and Nott decided we will do it together
I was so happy that Snape complimented me! Rather an achievement it was until I saw Malfoy staring at me with disgust on his face. Maybe because I am smarter.
I introduced myself to Nott and he did too
I got to know he is pure blood and his full name is Theodore Nott.
If he wasn't pure blood my mother would have started a riot for changing my seat
I and Nott became good friends and I am glad I have a friend from Slytherin.
At least it's not that Malfoy
I had a burning rivalry with that boy since our first conversation. That boy didn't deserve love or any friends. He has 2 sidekicks after all. He is also good at studies

After potions, I was just sitting in the great hall when I saw a boy with a Venus flytrap plant coming toward me
That boy had dark brown hair like mine and freckles. He had a bit of rabbit teeth but he sure looked cute.
'H-h-hey um Hermione i-is asking y-you to meet in the g-g-greenhouse. '
This boy strutted a lot but I guess he is just shy

' Oh yes I should go there, what's your name? '

' I am N-Neville Longbottom '
'Hi Neville nice to meet you I am Evara Asterin. Oh by the way is that the muggle Venus flytrap?' I asked
' Yes, it is. D-Do you l-l-like plants ?'
'Certainly Neville why don't we have a plant talk someday?'
'Yes I would love to Neville squeaked
'Ok let's go to the greenhouse then '
I did have my herbology right now so it would be a win-win.
I reached the greenhouse and the class was bout to start so I took a seat next to Hermione.
'Hey Evara how was potion '
'Fairly nice least I didn't get to be Malfoy's partner '
'Hello everyone welcome to Herbology I am your professor Pomona Sprout. Today you are going to learn about Mandrake'
'Oh I know about that I and Hermione exclaimed
'Oh Miss Asterin please explain '
'Mandrake or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it.'
'Very good Miss Asterin 10 points to Ravenclaw '
'I also knew that ' Hermione Huffed
'Oh don't worry mine I know you knew it
'But still '
' So put your earmuffs on children. You are still young so you will just pass out of you don't ' the professor instructed
We pulled out the Mandrakes and they sure looked loud. We were trying our best but I saw that some boy passed out because he didn't wear earmuffs
Hermione told me that the boy is Seamus Finnigan.
After herbology, I just had astronomy at night
With Slytherin
I noticed that the trio is coming toward me
'Hey, Evara would you join us for a small picnic at the lake? ' They asked
' Yes, why not!'
' Then see you at 4' Harry chuckled
They started to walk off and I could finally start writing in my journal
Dear Journal
I had a lovely day away for that bimbo and I am having a picnic with the trio! What could be more exciting?? I also think I kinda like Neville. He is sweet, cute, and an absolute sweetheart.
Oh let's see I made a drawing of Professor Snape in the middle of class. Glad he didn't notice or he would have killed me! Look at the crooked nose he has! I was gonna choke If I laughed a little more complicated. And I got partnered with Theodore and he is nice too.
I saw that it was almost 4 and I better run to the lake.
Draco's POV:

Today was okayish but I still had astronomy with Ravenclaw and that annoying git. What can be worse?
I was alone in my dorm so I thought that I should journal my day as always.

I just hope that the astronomy class is nice. I love astronomy because the stars are my domain. Whenever I look at the moon I feel safe, away from the world and I love it. Even though I don't like the concept of love but I still believe that the sun and the moon love each other. It's just so beautiful that both know it but still deny it. And I did journal about that.
I started to write a journal when I was 8 and It has been my best friend, ever since my father start being different towards me. My mom, Narcissa helped me maintain it and I am glad she did. I love my mom. 

I took a look towards the clock and It was dinner time. The day passed quite faster than I expected.

If I am honest, I don't like Crabbe and Goyle's company much as they are just my friends because I am wealthy, not because they like me.
They joined me as I entered the hall filled with giggles and talks, they all seem so merry.

I sat down on my table and ate. I didn't really bother what I ate but most Slytherins are picky eaters.

I went on and after a while, I was full.
As there was still some time left before astronomy I just sat in my dorm with Crabbe and Goyle.

I don't know what I feel about being here. I have no idea whether I am happy or sad about leaving my Manor.

I took a glance out of the window, looking at the stars.
Those were beautiful as always.

" Its time for astronomy " Goyle reminded me as I was going to be late if I even wasted another second.

I sprinted across the corridors when I finally reached there but as expected, I was late.
" Didn't expect this from you, Mr. Malfoy. Now if you let me continue my class, please take a seat near Miss Asterin. "

Speak of the devil. I didn't wanted to get paired with her, and I did. What can be worse than this.

I knew that she had a mutual feeling about that because I could see the disgust on her face, clearly showing that she had the same burning enmity towards me. The same I have towards her and her friends.

" Let's just be civil for this one class, I think it would be better if we don't fight "

Well she is right.

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