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"  Middle of the Night - Elley Dhué"
Evara's POV :
I realized it was also midnight and I changed into a shirt and trousers and rushed to him.
I saw him sitting on the bench looking at the sky
" Hey! " I exclaimed
" Oh uh hey "
I sat next to him and looked into his eyes. He placed a hand on my cold cheek and asked
" Were you crying? "
" No, I was-"
" Yes, you were, don't lie. I can feel your eyes swelled up "
" Oh, it's just because of some boy. I don't like to waste my energy on him but I can't stop. He is the reason for my misery. Can't he leave me alone for like a minute? "
" Who is that boy? tell me "
" Don't mind it please let's just talk about something else "
" Okay maybe," he said with a small frown
" You know what my dad used to say that when the sun asked the moon for a hug the world named it an eclipse. "
" Great for you, I always had a father but never a dad. " He said with tears forming in his eyes.
" Hey, it's alright I also didn't have my parents alongside me growing up. It was my butler and his fiance who kept me going."
" You know I always loved the stars. The way they shine in the dark hiding their secrets "
" Yea "
" When is your birthday?" He screeched
" Uh it's 20 September "
"It's this month??"
" Uh yea but only 2 people know about that"
" Oh uh so-"
" Let's go I remembered something important "
" Oh ok let's go "
I rushed to my room to change into my robes for astronomy and took my books. Good thing the astronomy tower was near Ravenclaw Tower.

I wasn't late but my partner was
Draco Malfoy
Why was he late?
I already started examining the constellations and stars when I spotted  my zodiac constellation, Virgo
" That's a Virgo " I exclaimed
" And that's a Gemini" he added
" That Perseus "
" And that's Andromeda"
Just then we looked at each other realizing that Andromeda and Perseus constellation is considered lovers
" Uh let's get back to work," I said breaking eye contact.
That was the most embarrassing moment for me.
I remembered the myth that we only see love constellations when we are with our soulmate and that flushed me completely for the rest of the class. He was also becoming red like a little tomato.
The entire class we didn't look at each other and that was so funny.

The class ended and I took a bath and then got to sleep.
I couldn't stop imagining that boy in my dreams so I thought I would give him a nickname. I thought for a while and came up with " Jannat" which meant heavens in Hindi. It was cute I guess
Good thing that we are going to Hogsmeade in 2 days and I am going to do some shopping with Luna Ginny and Neville. I was thinking to buy something for Ron, Fred, and George. Meanwhile, Hermione's birthday was also around I needed to buy a gift for her too.
All these thoughts made me fall asleep even quicker.
The morning was disastrous. I woke up looking like a mess, with tiredness burning in my eye. Good thing Luna was there. She gave me some candies and said I should eat and go to class immediately. And today my first period was Transfiguration. I ran downstairs and sat with Ginny. I told Ginny everything. I drank some hot and sour soup and headed to class. Professor McGonagall started the class.
" Today we are learning to Transfigurate This candle into a watch"
It was so difficult it took me half an hour to do but I did it first means " 10 points to Ravenclaw " Our house never won even with so many points I gain. Its. Always Gryffindor or Slytherin.
I thought today is kind of free after charms so I should make a sleeping draught. I am hearing voices very often now and I feel so scared, my lips tremble and I start shaking whenever I think about that.
I saw Ginny looking at me and gave me a short smile.

There were rumors of Sirius Black breaking out of Azkaban. Imagine the most wanted prisoner breaking out from the most secure prison.

Classes were over and I could finally relax. I sat at the lake with my pet cat Miyuki. She was the Turkish Angora Narcissa gifted me. I saw the trio coming toward me
" Hey Evara are you okay? " Ron asked with concern on his face
" Yes," I said coldly
" I was asking that would you like to go Hogsmeade with us. If you don't mind"
" Um sure "
" Why aren't you talking to us? Did we do something wrong? "
" No, it's just, I feel quite hurt and I just want to be alone"
" Okay but ask if you need anything"

I just looked at the sky and a single tear fell down my cheek. I brushed it off quickly.
My life has changed so much in this mere 3 years. Why? My cat let out a pur. She and Luna were the closest to me. Miyuki knew that I loved her so she would be around me when I am sad. She was also there when I was petrified. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself. Everyone just found me annoying and selfish but I only wanted to be loved, which I never was. I've only seen dark days since childhood.
There were some things that I wasn't allowed to do since childhood. That includes doing anything muggle except reading. Playing music. Naming anything Erica and the stupidest I can't play quidditch or do anything that causes me to look tomboyish. But I continued some things with the help of Evan, I painted, played quidditch, and learned to play violin. Playing violin was the thing I loved the most. It's such a delicate art and I live for playing it. I played it every night and I would dance too.
Just then I saw it was almost curfew.
I ran to my tower.
I had some sleeping draught for me because I want to sleep without hearing those voices
I took a bath, put on a white gown, and went to meet that boy.

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