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" Run away - AURORA"
At the Manor
This time I got a bizarre dream. A dream of Voldemort, talking to Peter Pettigrew with another person in the room. He was talking about killing Harry.
What the heck is happening to me?
I was running late for the Quidditch world cup. We decided to meet at the burrow. I quickly got to the burrow but realized that Harry and Ron were still sleeping.
" Wake up you chimpanzees " I shouted
" Oh come on wake up or we are gonna get late" I quickly packed some goods and a hat of the Bulgarian team.
We finally set off for the match
" Dad where are we going? "
"Oh just follow me"
" Hey, Amos! We are here sorry we are late"  Aurther exclaimed
" Children This is Amos Diggory "
Just then a boy jumped down from the tree.
" And this young boy Must be Cedric? "
Not gonna lie he was hot.
We reached for a boot. I already knew that it was a passageway for the world cup. We grabbed the boot with started flying.
"leave the boot children,"
" What??"
and we fell to the ground on our bums.
And we were there. The place where I always wanted to go.

At the world cup, we had the highest seats. We were minding our business when suddenly Draco appeared out of nowhere with his shit father Lucius
" You have so high seats that if it rains you will be the first to know. " Lucius said while giving a smirk
" Me and my father will be in the Ministry compartment. We were invited by Cornelius Fudge himself"
" Don't flatter yourself Draco. You don't have to talk to them "
We finally reached the top. I could finally have some fun.
The match was good but the Irish won.

We reached back to our tent full of joy and happiness. We were singing and
" Those Irish are singing better" Fred Huffed
" Those are not the Irish, Everyone come out" Aurther yelled
Those are death eaters. I didn't know what to do so I just ran with Hermione.
Everything was burning and being torn down by the death eaters. I was running but I think my head hit something and I fell on the ground.
I woke up not knowing anything. I looked up at the sky. I saw the death-eaters mark. Not knowing anything some people in ministry pointed their wands at my chin.
" She and Harry are children. They didn't do it" Aurther shouted
" I saw someone " Harry scoffed
" Who Harry? Who " I asked
" I-I don't know"
4th year, Great hall

We are just sitting in the great hall listening to Dumbledore.

"This year Hogwarts has been chosen-"
Flinch came into the great hall running and whispered something in Dumbledore's Ear.
" So Hogwarts have been chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and this palace will not just be your home but also of many well know people. "
" Remember, you can't go back if chosen. But that is not important right now. Please welcome The beautiful ladies of Beaubaxton with their mistress Madam Maxim. "
Suddenly the door opens and some gorgeous ladies come in wearing a blue uniform. They had a charm.
" I've heard that these women are veela" Luna said
" What's a veela? " I asked
" It is some sort of magic of beauty that attract people "
It was true, everyone was simping on them.
" Now please welcome the Dumstrang, with their mentors Igor Karkaroff"
A former death eater as their headmaster? Not strange at all
They did some very fancy entries. Very unnecessary.
They had also invited some people from the ministry.
" So please welcome Mister Barty Crouch"
" For the safety of students, children under the age of 17 cannot put their name in the Triwizard tournament. "
The crowd erupted into disapproval.
I just wanted to meet that boy after having dinner.

Evan is leaving the job next week but he said that he will stay in contact.

Finally, the dinner is over, I hope he will be there. I also have the ring I bought for him. I rushed to my room, changed into some decent clothes, and ran down to the grounds. And there he was, sitting and watching the sky.
" Hey, how are you?" He asked
" I am fine, by the way, I've bought something for you. "
" Well I've too " he exclaimed
" Okay, we will give it to each other in.. 3..2...1.... "
And he showed me a beautiful sapphire necklace. It was so pretty just like the necklace Draco was buying. I gave him a big hug.
" Why don't we reveal each other? We have known each other for a year" he asked me
" Sure but let's tell about ourselves"
" I am a 4th year Slytherin"
" I am a 4th year Ravenclaw "
" I see " he chuckled
" No, you don't it's too dark to "
We were laughing and looking at each other. His eyes hold everything my soul has thirsted for.
We were leaning in for a kiss when I suddenly stopped. No, I can't kiss someone who I barely know. But we knew each other's secrets. I just ran away from that situation. I don't know what to do I am so confused.
Why don't I play my violin? It makes me happy. I was just running somewhere in this late night 

Stardust And Secrets|| D.M ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora