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" Do I wanna know? - Arctic Monkeys"
Draco's POV
The academic year has ended. I boarded the Hogwarts train at last. I wasn't going home; I was going away from home. This year, I also experienced a ton of brand-new adventures. I experienced love for the first time in my life, among other things. The emotion of passionate affection for someone I never imagined, not a platonic one. Whether she liked me or not was something I wanted to know. But I'm too bashful right now to even look at her.

Why is everything so challenging? She is the object of my uttermost affection. She was outside talking with Lovegood and Weasley when I glanced around my compartment and saw her. Her grin gave me peace of mind. I've always been drawn to her eyes. She despises her dull eyes, although both the owner and the eyes are stunning. She paused and turned to face me. Her sight caused my heart to beat faster. Nobody should be aware that I like her. Yet, her companion Lovegood is mindful of that. Should I inquire about her feelings for me? At that moment, I wanted to bear hug her. I longed to be hugged by her. She constantly reassures me that everything will be fine, and her grin brightens my day. It's strange how her touch makes me flutter with butterflies. I despise her while also adoring her. What draws me in?

What is this attraction? We are totally like the sun and moon but I am still so attracted to her. It makes me remember poetry
tell me what is more beautiful;
how the moon lets the sunshine throughout the day.
or the way the sun lets the moon glimmer at night.
She is the poetry I can't fucking stop reading.
She is so ethereal.
I realized I was thinking about her the whole journey to kings cross.
We reached the station. I jumped down and started looking for Mom. I saw her standing at the gate with father.
I am not very joyous when I see my father but I want to make him proud at any cost. Even if it means doing the wrong when I don't want to. Why don't I have a choice? Why can't I avoid it? The thought of facing the fucking dark lord scared the hell out of me. The most dangerous dark wizard in front of me, talking about how I will assist them. I was going to become a death eater in a year. This thought was so scary.
" How was the year Draco" I heard my mother say from a distance.
" It was alright" I replied
I just took a ride to the Manor. The coldest and darkest place on this planet.
It all was so eerie and dark, why would anyone live here? I just want to relax from this chaos. I am too tired to do anything.
Just then my mother called me out.
" Draco dear, I wanted to tell you something"
She told me that there are some     'guests' coming today and they will be staying for a few days.
The total opposite of relaxing.
I asked her about the family but she refuses and said it was a surprise.
I hate surprises.
I thought I should take a nap. It would give me the energy to tolerate all these guests.

I woke up with my mother yelling my name.
" Draco, wake up. Aren't you going to introduce yourself to our guests? "
Oh yes, the introduction formalities.
I tried not to look sleepy after that 4 hours straight.
I first took a peek.
I came out and saw Evara. I froze at that moment.
I could feel her eyes on me.
I was stuttering while introducing myself.
" Draco, you know Evara also studies at Hogwarts? "
Oh yes I know that
" I think you guys know each other" Mrs Asterin mocked
I didn't like that lady at all.
" Why don't you show Evara around the manor Draco while I talk to Mrs. Asterin "
I gave a nod. Evara was just following me around like a shadow until we reached the garden.
" Uh, so how are you? " I tried starting a conversation
" I am good, you have a beautiful garden. Your manor is also quiet... Different "
" Malfoy manor has been eerie for a long time " I replied
" Let's walk around the garden " she offered
We started to walk. She was examining everything in the path. The black roses, and lilies. But the white Jasmines caught her eye.
I picked up one and place it on her hair.
She looked like a red tomato.
" You know what I like about these white flowers? Even though they don't show much color, they still hold the beauty any other flower would "
The way she spoke is always mesmerizing.
I wanted to kiss her then and there.
" Hey Evara I wanted to ask you something "
" What Draco? "
" Do you have feelings for anyone? "

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