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" Flowers - Miley Cyrus"
Today we a going to Hogsmeade. I am so excited. I took a quick bath. I just wore something comfortable. Took a scarf and ran outside to meet them. They all were dressed so nicely that I felt shabby. We took a walk to Hogsmeade while discussing our recent events.
" And then Bill was so scared he couldn't move! " Ron squeaked
" Hey, moine what would you like for a gift? " I asked
" Anything but with love and friendship"
Now I knew what should I give her.
I thought that I will tell everyone about that boy. But then I thought I should keep it to myself still Luna knew about him.
And then we reached Hogsmeade, quite exciting. We decided that we would split up and meet at the three boomsticks when we are done. I took Luna and Neville with me.
First I when to the jewelry shop. I saw a very beautiful emerald ring with small snakes on it. It was gorgeous. I decided that I will give this ring to that night boy. Luna found a moonshine necklace for herself. I was roaming my eyes around and saw Draco buying a beautiful necklace. Why would he buy a female necklace? Probably for his mother.
I looked and found a pendant for Hermione. It was gold and Ruby stones on it. I also found identical rings but different colors for Fred and George.
I bought Luna a heart-shaped locket and Neville a bracelet of flowers and herbs. He loved it.
We took a trip to a boutique. I asked for a white lace gown and Luna for a purple mini gown. She said it will be ready by the next Saturday.
I completed my shopping and went to the three broomsticks. I say Ron and Hermione sitting with some butterbeer.
" Ron I bought you something"
" What? Tell me, tell me '
" Look at this ring, isn't it pretty? "
He looked astonished.
" It looks expensive "
" Oh don't worry about that, " I said in an assuring voice.
Just then I saw Draco staring at us.
I realized we were looking at each other. It was the first time I noticed that his eyes were grey like that night boy. Those eyes shone in the dark.
I quickly asked everyone what they would like to eat. That is so embarrassing.
" Can I have some chocolate frogs? " Ron asked
" Yea I've bought some"
We had a bit of chat and we went to Hogwarts back.

I remember when I was 5 or 6 I was sitting at the park with Evan. I saw a girl with beautiful green eyes and I asked Evan.
" Why don't I also have beautiful eyes?"
" Oh Miss Evara, my mother used to tell me that brown eyes were once golden and everyone was jealous of them. They used to take them away. So God took them and covered them with honey so that they could be protected. Their beauty could kill them so sometimes we need to be ordinary to protect ourselves. And still, brown eyes have their glow and beauty that shines and makes them different. It made us learn that sometimes there is beauty in the ordinary"

Evan was always good with words. He taught me so many beautiful words and basic poetry. I remember I once wrote poetry for Blair and it was so funny.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Blair, you are so beautiful
I will marry you
She gave a giggle and kissed me and said
" You sure will, when you grow up I will leave Evan and marry you. "
Evan looked so jealous at that moment.

These memories always made me feel so good.
Just then I heard a knock on my door.  I opened it to see Neville holding a pot of Asphodels.
" Hey I-I wanted t-to thank you for the b-b-bracelet you gave me. I wanted to g-give these Asphodels as a g-gift "
He was such a sweetheart. I loved him.

" Sure Neville thanks," I said with a smile and then he left. Luna came in with the locket I gave her
" Hey Evara look I have added a picture of you and me in this locket with the note " never-ending friends". Isn't it cute? "
She had put a photo of... Me?
" Why have you put a photo of me? You could've put your father's or- "
" Because no one appreciates you and also because I Love you," she said while hugging me. I hesitated but hugged her back. I whispered " I love you too Luna "
I never felt so happy. I felt love, I felt something that people consider that I don't deserve. It almost made me cry.
Luna placed a hand on my shoulder and said "Promise me, we will never hide anything and will be there for each other"
"Forever," Luna said with a calm look on her face.
She was so beautiful. Just like the stars with surround the moon.
2 weeks later
Hagrid told us that Buckbeak was being executed because of Malfoy
That little git.
I said That I will help him fight the case. I loved buckbeak so I will do my best to save him from that little bit.
I started to do research and spend more time in the library with Hermione to find laws or any cases to save Buckbeak.
I started to feel good about myself. I don't need a man to save me. I was happy with my girls and Neville, and Ron ofc. I was not too close to Harry but I was with Ginny. Ginny told me that she likes Harry so I just drop Harry hints that Gin likes him but he is too dumb to understand.
I and Hermione did find some things to save Buckbeak. We rushed to Hagrid to tell him this.
Weeks after Buckbeak's case
Sadly enough, Buck beak was lost. We did everything but couldn't save him. And he was going to be executed tomorrow. Can't we save him? I fell asleep with all these thoughts in my mind.
I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a nightmare. I couldn't remember much but a snake was following me and watching my every move. Maybe it is just a nightmare. I tried to fall asleep but I can't I-I just can't. Why?

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