day in the life (vlog)

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You slowly got up and grabbed the camera that was charging beside your bed "so beautiful people it is" you started saying before a shirtless brass comes into frame

"Its 5:30 am" "thanks babe, why am I up at 5:30 you may ask well this guy (you point to briss) he woke me up because he was lonely without me" you continued on briss came up behind you and gave little kisses on your cheek

"So for breakfast we are eating a smoothie bowl with a protein shake" you held it up to the camera as briss just stared at you and smiled "can you stop being a creep" you mumbled

"i wasn't-what" briss said confused

"Time to hit the gym but first I'm dropping of briss at practice" you put the camera on the dashboard and hope it didn't fall off

You filmed a little montage of you at the gym, walking on the treadmill doing squats and talking to yourself

While out in public you got a few weird stares from people which you didn't really cared about

"There he is the man of the hour" you zoomed in on briss "can we go home and nap" briss whined "babe it's a day in our life, yes we are taking our daily nap" 

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