"One more kiss?" "You said that 20 kisses ago"

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I stood there at the airport with tears in my eyes "Baby its okay for a month" Adam whispered he was leaving for Ohio to set up his apartment and meet with the team "I know" I whispered not trusting my voice Adam whipped the tears from my eyes

I pulled him into a tight hug "One more kiss?" I pouted "You said that 20 kisses ago" he chuckled but agreed to my request and gave me a passionate "Adam lets go" His mom called out "I'll see you in a month love" he held me tight before letting me

I watched as he walked to his gate "It's going to be okay" Luca said pulling me into a hug and pulling me away from where I was standing I waved goodbye to Adam and walked to the car with Luca

as we pulled away from the airport I sat there silently and when I saw his plane take off a sense of proudness and sadness washed over me

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