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"Why does it feel like i'm being banished?" I asked her, annoyed and sad. 'Am I pouting?'

"You're pouting?" She giggled and I relaxed my face. "Yes, you're being banished. I'm trying to get ready." I must have started pouting again because she shook her head.

"Fine." I groaned. "I'll be back in 45 minutes." I leaned down and gave her a deep kiss, one I knew would turn her on.

"Touché" She grumbled against my lips and I chuckled. I gave her one more kiss before standing up straight.

"45 minutes, baby." I told her and she nodded.

I left her apartment with a small smile, it's been a week and I couldn't believe how incredible it was being with her. I genuinely believed that this whole 'relationship' thing was going to be a bust because i've never been in on before.

I winced at that thought, I needed to have a more faith in me and this relationship. I was almost to my apartment when my phone started ringing, the sound of my fathers ringtone made me pause.

'Fuck. I forgot about that stupid event.'

"Father." I responded and he grunted.

"Son, how lovely it is to hear your voice." He practically sang and I gagged, there must be someone in the room. No way my father cared enough about me like this.

I scoffed. "Right."

There was an awkward silence before he cleared his throat. "I just wanted to call you to let you know that the event has been pushed back."

'Thank God.' I smiled. "Okay."

"It has been moved two months from now." He said after I refused to say more.

I hummed, producing yet another awkward silence; I wanted to laugh with how ridiculous this was. I unlocked the door to my place and made my way to my room.

"We shall see you then."

"Anything else?" I questioned.

"Well. I was wondering how your classes were going, your mother and I miss—"

I hung up on him before he could finish that sentence, my parents didn't miss me; they missed the fact that I wasn't around to boost their reputation.

I let out a sigh while I sat on my bed, my phone already pinging with messages. It's probably him flipping out on how I was acting but I could care less if I had an 'attitude.'

I groaned when the ringtone for my mom was calling, she hurt the most talking to because she wasn't always this superficial person. I remember majority of my childhood was spent with her, playing, singing, dancing and just having fun.

Sucks to know that my father was able to turn my mom into someone I didn't recognize and it was even shittier that my mom allowed it.

"Mother." I said when I answered, I hated calling her that. She expects to be called that, says it makes her sound more refined. 'Snobby, if you ask me.'

"Oh! Reo, darling." She cooed and I rolled my eyes, I see they both are around other people. "How are you, my son?"

"Fine." I grunted and she let out a high pitched laugh, the only indication she spoke with my father and she's not happy about it.

"That's good, darling. I just wanted to reiterate that the event has been pushed back and that you will be attending, okay?" I didn't miss the warning in her tone, she'll probably spin some kind of story that i'm going a "rebellious" phase and needs a stern talking to.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now