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"You're sure I'll be safe?" I asked Axel for the hundredth time and he looked two seconds away from strangling me.

He let out a huff. "Yes." He gritted and I smiled with a nod.

"Good, because if I know my girl, she'd murder your ass if anything happened to me." I teased but was genuinely surprised when he looked a little scared, my eyes widened and I called him out on it.

"You'd be scared too if you knew what shes capable of."  He murmured and I raised a brow. "She negotiated with her dad, said she didn't need a guard and in exchange she'd learn how to defend herself."

I chuckled because I didn't expect anything differently from me. He ran through the layout of the restaurant again, made sure the mic was in place and started from the beginning "to be sure."

"I understand being thorough but isn't this excessive?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"I will be completely honest, I know she is your mom but people who are desperate will do anything and your parents are desperate."

I nodded grimly. "Run through it again." I murmured and he smirked while he ran through everything again.

"Put this in your ear." He held up a small ear piece and I raised a brow. "It's so I can communicate with you, again she's desperate and I'd rather be safe."

Hours later I was seated in the private dining room, I tried not to fidget but my emotions were all over the place; anger over what hand she had in this and worry over what she'll say. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, trying to calm my heart rate down.

The sliding door that separated us from the main dining room slid open and my eyes flew open, she looked like she usually does, put together, newest clothes and diamonds glittering her neck, wrists and fingers. The one surprising thing? The bags under her eyes.

"Reo..." She breathed and I nodded, refusing to stand and greet her like I usually would have done.


She sat in the chair across from me with a small smile. "Thank you for meeting me. How have-"

"Let's not do this." I sighed and her eyes misted causing me to scoff. "I only agreed to this meeting because you said you know why y/n left. Now tell me the truth."

She started wringing her hands on the table and I raised a brow, she immediately hid them under the table and cleared her throat while looking down. "Your Father and I are broke.." Her eyes connected with mines when I didnt say anything.

I chuckled at her surprised face. "I don't give a shit." I said before sneering. "Continue."

"Your Father.. He's not a good man.. We're broke because he and the company took too many hits over the years from him being in and out of court, settlements to women, the gossip.. It just finally caught up."

I gave her a face of disgust. "Settlements to women?" I gritted and took another breath. "We'll continue that later, explain how this has to do with y/n."

She nodded. "We know about the trust your grandparents set up for you." She said quietly and my eyes widened.


She gave me a sheepish smile. "I- I snooped through your room.. Saw the account paperwork."

I scoffed but wasn't that surprised, I caught her snooping multiple times but didn't think she could break into my safe; She's not stealthy but not stupid either apparently. "Then you know that you can't touch it." I responded.

"But your wife can."

I let out a laugh of disbelief. "She even did her homework. Now the women and dates make sense." I scoffed. "Too bad it wouldn't have worked."

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now