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"Will it make a difference?" I asked when I walked up to my mother. Y/N's words were exactly what needed to be said. My mother needed to be brought down a few pegs and my girl did exactly that.

"What will?"

"What y/n said. Did it settle? Did you listen to what she told you?"

"You think I would allow a child's words to hold weight?" She scoffed but she refused to hold eye contact.

I chuckled. "You never stop, do you?"

She finally looked at me and I noticed how glassy her eyes were. "She's not wrong." I said seriously.

"She's entirely wrong."

"Oh? Then why is your personal life from before you and Father got together erased? Why do you not exist before him?"

She looked surprised and I chuckled again. "Yeah, I tried to look into you too but I couldn't find anything, i'm your son and yet I was denied."

"You had no right." She said softly and I scoffed.

"Real rich coming from you."

"Reo, you don't get it-"

"Oh, I get it. I a hundred percent understand that you chose all of this." I waved my hands around. "Over family, over love, over everything."

"You would too if you were in my shoes!" She whisper-yelled.

"I would choose love! I would choose happiness! Which is what I thought you did." I panted out and her eyes widened. "This life, life with you and father is so fucking miserable. It feels like you guys suck the happiness out of me! I regret every word I chose to believe. I regret that I was slowly becoming you. I regret letting yours and Fathers relationship sway my outlook on love."

"Reo. I don't mean to."

"You don't mean to?" I sneered. "What happened to you??"

She reared back and I searched her gaze. "I remember happy moments with you, loving moments, core memories and then one day when I was 7 or so, it was gone. Poof. Like I fucking conjured up that woman to help with the shit you continuously put me through."

Her eyes teared more but I didn't feel any sadness, I felt pity for her. "I don't know what happened but this person in front of me? Is not my mother. Mother's protect, mother's love. Mother's don't use their sons as pawns."

"You don't have the full story.."

"Will you give me it?"

She hesitated and I shook my head. "You know what? I don't need it. I used to beg for a reason, pray for one but now? Now I don't give a fuck. Y/N was right, there will be one day when I no longer give you a chance, when I give up on you. That is today. I'm done, Mother. Have a nice life." I told her before walking away.

"She won't forgive you!" She yelled and I paused. "You're throwing me away for a woman who won't want you!"

I nodded and without turning, I responded. "I know she may not forgive me but doesn't mean that I choose you over her." I looked over my shoulder to see my mother's surprised face. "I will choose her over everyone."

When I reached near the tent entrance a voice stopped me. "So you're the one who hurt her?"

I turned to see a large shadow, when he stepped closer and the his face came into the light my brows furrowed. "I'm one of her brothers."

I nodded. "Yeah, i'm the one who hurt her."

His chin jutted towards the direction of my mom. "She the reason why?"

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now