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I gave myself the weekend to fall into the hole of sadness that seemed to cling to me like a second skin. I cried, screamed and stared blankly at the wall. I got as much as my emotions out as I could before my best friends came to rescue me.

"Fuck him." Sai said with a sneer and I gave her a small smile. She printed a picture of Reo and is currently throwing darts at it.

Miko watched her nervously. "Should we be concerned?" She whispered to me and I shrugged.

"I brought heart mending snacks." Isagi stated when he entered my room and I opened my arms, he immediately pulled me between his legs and rested against my headboard.

He cradled me in his arms and I had to will myself not to cry, there's something about being in your best friends arms that just helps.

"How you feeling today?" He murmured and I shrugged again.

"Everything but happy, i'd say."

"We should take offense to that but we'll let it slide." Miko said with a wink and I chuckled.

"You guys are definitely the highlight of my day."

"Cheesy." Isagi chuckled.

I sighed. "I guess i'm just worried about this week, we have almost ever class together and I don't know."

"Just think, 5 days and then you're celebrating penguins!" Miko exclaimed and I smiled.

"Plus mom guys will cheer you up, mom will concoct some type of revenge and dad will threaten him." Isagi said and I nodded.

"Probably." I groaned. "God, i'm never this pathetic."

"You liked him a lot.." Miko said gently.

"I did but doesn't excuse the fact that i'm never this pathetic. You know what? Fuck him."

They all smiled and Sai gave me a smirk. "Just promise us something."

I raised a brow. "When he comes crawling back and he will. Make him work for it."

I smirked back. "I doubt that but I can promise you that."

"He'll come crawling back." Isagi said seriously and I looked around my friends feeling grateful for them.


Monday came way to quickly for me but I'd be damn if I let Reo think he ruined me. I was genuinely surprised when I walked into class and saw him sitting next to a girl smiling. I thought it would have hurt more but it just made me annoyed, annoyed that I allowed a man to have such a huge influence on my emotions.

I scoffed softly and picked a chair, pulling out my stuff for class. I regretted the choice of seat because although I was 3 rows in front of him, I was in his line of sight and could feel the heat of his gaze.

The chair beside me was pulled open and I looked to my right, Chigiri's smiling face greeted me and I laughed. "You're not in this class."

He sat facing me and draped an arm over the back of mines. "I am now." He smirked and leaned forward towards my ear. "Maybe I want to give Reo a taste of what life is like having a hot ass ex girlfriend."

I smirked. "Who?"

He leaned back with a laugh and I swear the heat from Reo's gaze burned brighter. Chigiri whistled. "Damn. I do not want to piss you off."

I smiled and shook my head. "Remember that."

"I really am in this class though. You're stuck with me."

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now