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I'd say the event was a success, all in all except Nagi completely bailing on it; thank God I didn't tell my parents he was coming. Reo's parents are on disaster control and my dad is eating it all up. Mom is already dreading the next fundraiser she has to plan and my brothers are thankfully back at college.

I was dragging my feet about going back to my apartment and mom picked up on it.

"What are you scared of?" She asked me while we sat at the island, drinking tea.

"He's relentless." I grumbled and she laughed.

"Most men are when they either fuck up or chasing something they desperately want." She chuckled and I groaned.

"You're only dreading this because you still have feelings for him." She stated and I grimaced.

"Yeah.." I said regretfully. "I'm afraid i'll give in to him too easily."

"I doubt that!" She laughed loudly. "Princess, you are never one to let someone get off easily." She chuckled. "Whether you realize it or not but you'll make that man regret every hurting you."

I shrugged and she grabbed my hand. "It's not wrong if you forgive him and he earns your trust and it's not wrong if you get back with him. Just make him work for it. You learn a lot about a man based on how he makes things right."

After a tearful good bye I made my way back to college and a plan, operation no emotion. The name could use some work but the objective is simple. Reo is a man who's use to attention so that'll be the one thing he never gets from me.

The bare minimum of attention and emotion, I want to see how long he "fights" to earn my forgiveness. Nagi told me that he always lost interest in people if they didn't give him something back.

Let's test this theory, I'm curious if I meant to him as much as he claimed. I thought we were on the same page but was brutally reminded that we weren't when he threw me away without talking to me first. That planted the seed that I didn't mean much to him.

Let's see if he proves me wrong.


"Hey.. Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked from the left of me, I looked up with a straight face and shrugged.

"Go ahead."

His eyes filled with hope and I looked away facing the front of the room. He cleared his throat as if to say something when the door opened and the teacher walked in. Chigiri followed after and raised a brow when he saw Reo sitting next to me.

I smirked and he shook his head with a smile. He made his way up to us and took the empty seat to my right.

"Mornin babe." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"It's to early for your shit."

"You love me." He quipped before the teacher demanded everyone's attention to them.

The rest of the class and day, Reo sat next to me. He never tried to initiate conversation, I wasn't sure if it was because he didn't know how to or because one of the boys always took up my attention.

Either way, with the help of the boys I was able to successfully divert all my attention completely away from him. Surprisingly he never acted as if it bothered him. His face didn't portray any irritation and I agonized over whether it was because he gave up that quickly or he had a better poker face than I thought.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora