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"Are you just taking my fucking money?! Someone doesn't just drop off the face of the world!" I yelled into the phone while gripping my hair.

"We are looking everywhere, sir. There are many places to look."

I scoffed. "May I also let it be known that your girlfriend comes from money, it's very easy for people with money to disappear." He continued.

"For 2 weeks?!" I growled and took a breath. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled. "I'm stressed out."

"Understandable, sir. I am trying my hardest."

"I know.." I sighed. "Please. Just- just keep me updated."

"I will, sir." He hung up and I collapsed onto the couch and buried my head in my hands.

"Still nothing?" Nagi asked and I shook my head.

"You can't find out anything?"

Nagi shook his head. "I asked, my mom has no idea what's going on just that my aunty said they'd be going away for awhile."

"Fuck." I whispered harshly. "I'm going insane. I just want to know she's okay.."


I was a complete ass to everyone I came into contact with, even Nagi was done with my shit but I couldn't give a fuck. My grades slipped and I've gotten thrown out of so many games, coach benched me for the time being.

I couldn't help it, I felt lost and I was angry about it; 3 fucking weeks since she's been gone and still nothing. I sighed while I stared at my computer screen refreshing the page every two seconds waiting for an update.

My phone rang and I jumped to grab it. "What the fuck?" I grumbled when my moms caller ID stared back at me.

I scoffed and rejected the call, I rejected the next 8 calls and I growled. "Can you not take a fucking hint?!"

I heard a sniffle and I scoffed. "Tears won't work on me. Good bye."

"WAIT!" She sobbed before I could hang up.

"You have 1 minute." I gritted out.

"We need to meet." Her voice cracked and I laughed mirthlessly.

"Try again."

"It's about y/n." I froze and I saw red.

"What about her." I said evenly but my tone warned her to tread lightly.

"I- I know why she left.." She said softly and I took a breath.

"I'll text you." Was all I said before I hung up and called the private investigator I hired.


"Have you looked into my Mother?" I asked.

"Some what."

"She said she knows why y/n left. She wants to meet."

"I'll trail you and put give you a microphone so we can listen in, i'll give you a date and time to meet her. I'll some see you tomorrow."

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now