Chapter 5: Separated By An Ocean

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November 2020

POV: Lizzie

I had just landed in London and was headed over to my rental, in a secluded car, after having once more tested for Covid. I understood why the tests were needed, but it sucked so much. The whole crew headed for the hotel, where we would spend the next two weeks quarantined, to ensure that no one was sick.

I had talked not only to AJ, but to my family as well. Everyone was doing well. The twins were spending all their time designing and MK had been toying with the idea of picking up equestrian again. She wasn't quite sure yet, as she would need to do some research into what stables were open and find a horse that she bonded with.

AJ was understandably worried that I was so far away, but he understood that work was work and this was where we were filming at. We had our schedule, with the time zones already built in, knowing that this would be harder than Marvel filming in Atlanta. The added hours ahead that I would be, made it difficult to do our normal dates. I would be eight hours ahead of him, which means my dinner would be his late breakfast.

The car pulled into the hotel's parking lot area. I thanked my driver, and watched as a bellhop grabbed my bags from the trunk. I was led into the conference room on the ground floor, before being given my key and sent up to my suite. I rode the elevator with just that bellhop, both of us too distracted to have an actual conversation. The young man helped get my luggage to my room and left quickly. I was once again alone.

Sighing I grabbed my phone and saw that it was nearing 6pm local time, meaning it was coming close to 10am for AJ. I quickly called him on FaceTime, I needed to see him. He answered, drinking coffee out of the mug I got him.

"Darlin! I see you landed safely. How are you feeling?" He asked, a tired smile on his face.

"I'm ok. Lonely, but doing ok. The hotel is going to send up meals for the next two weeks, while I am in quarantine, then once I am cleared, I will head to the rental and at least there I will have a patio where I can be outside." I answered, looking at him concerned. "Babe, are you feeling ok?"

"I'm tired, that's all. Had a rough night's sleep. No fever, or any other symptoms, just a bad night. I was worried about you." He shrugged, taking a sip of coffee. "So Marvel has you in England... why? I thought they did all the filming in Atlanta and LA."

"Ah... Secrets, babe. I can't answer that. The Marvel Snipers will kill me." I quickly fell into a fit of giggles. "It's for this specific project. Some projects do have overseas filming, it just depends on the project. The newest Spiderman... Far From Home, was filmed, not only in England but a ton of places in Europe. I obviously wasn't there for that one."

"That's still so cool. I really wish I could go see the set one day." AJ said, looking away from the screen for a moment. "Hang on one sec, someone's at the door."

He took the phone with him and headed to the door. It seems there was an officer at the door. The two talked for a few moments before the door shut and AJ turned back to me.


"What's going on?"

"The officer said the station got a call from one of my neighbors. Apparently there was a fight and it got bad. They wanted to know if I had heard anything." He frowned. "I didn't hear anything, but I am a few doors down from where they said everything took place."

"Is everyone ok?" I questioned.

"He didn't say, just wanted to know if I heard anything."

The two of us sat in silence for a moment before there was a knock at my own door. I slipped my mask back on and went to the door.

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