Chapter 14: Four Years Together

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December 20th, 2023

POV: Lizzie

I stared down at the test in my hands and I started to feel the panic rise in my chest. AJ and I had talked about having kids but it was always a far off topic that we would eventually get to. It was actually really good timing, I was in between filming projects and it wasn't like it was going to be an issue for any media tours either. I just didn't know how I was going to tell him.

I called the one person I knew I could trust.

"Lizzie! What's going on?" Scarlett answered her phone after the second ring.

"Scar... I ... I need help." I said softly, knowing that AJ would be home soon.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Her voice showed her concern.

"I think... I am pregnant."

"Wait, are you upset about this? I thought you and AJ were gonna try for a baby." Scar said.

"Oh I am excited but I am also terrified. What if he doesn't actually want kids? What if he isn't ready for kids? God Scar, what am I gonna do?" I knew I was starting to spiral.

"Lizzie, you need to stop. You need to breathe. He's going to love the baby, just as much as he loves you." Scar assured me. "Now have you been to the doctors yet to confirm?"

"No, not yet. I just took the at-home tests. But Scar, I'm positive. I don't even remember getting my period the last few months. I thought it was just my birth control..."

"Do you want me to go with you to the doctors?" She offered.

"Yeah. I want to be 100% sure before I tell AJ." I nodded and Scarlett offered to call her local OB/GYN doctor here in LA. Scar seemed to be doing something in the background, before she spoke.

"You have an appointment tomorrow at 10:30, will you be able to get away? I can come pick you up and take you. Make it look like a girls day?"

"Thank you Scar."

"Calm down, go see AJ and cuddle. It's going to be ok." Scarlett assured me. She said goodnight and hung up.

I hid the tests and took a shower. It wasn't long into the shower that I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I leaned back against a very familiar body and sighed.

"Darlin... you ok?" His voice washed over me and I could feel the emotions filling me.

"I love you, you know that right?" I whispered, grabbing one of his hands in mine. My fingers traced his knuckles, something that had kept me calm in the past. I hoped that this action would help calm my mind.

"Of course I do, Chase. And I love you, more than I could put into words." He answered back, hugging me tightly. "What's brought this on, dear one?"

"I just had a weird day, babe." I covered, turning in his arms and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Can we cuddle and watch a movie tonight?"

"Absolutely, darlin." He agreed. "Go get comfortable while I actually wash up. Order whatever you want for dinner, you know what I eat."

"Oh, Scarlett is in town and wants to do a girls day tomorrow, is that ok?" I asked as I got out of the shower, freshly cleaned.

"Absolutely, darlin. You and Scar need time to just be ladies. If you need anything, just call me." AJ said, as he continued his shower. "I don't have much to do tomorrow. Just laundry to get done so we can pack for Fiji."

"I can't believe you want to spend Christmas in Fiji." I smiled.

"What better place to have our anniversary than the place we met, darlin?"

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