Chapter 10: NYC Fashion Week - September 2022

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A/N: Prepare for a GIANT chapter.... 


September 4th, 2022

Los Angeles

POV: Lizzie

"Lizard!" I heard on the phone as soon as I picked up the video call. I rolled my eyes as my sisters screamed at the same time.

"Twins... what can I do for you?" I asked.

"We need some help." Ash spoke up, sighing. "One of our normal models for Fashion Week is sick, she's not expecting to get better before the event..."

"Did you want me to find someone for you or?"

"I mean, you could always be the model for us." MK said, a giant smirk on her face. "And you can bring AJ with you..."

"AJ has a few games coming up. He would need to find out if he can actually get away. However, I am happy to help out." I answered. "I'll talk to him and see if he would be able to do so."

The Twins seemed extremely excited that they may finally get to meet him in person. Before anyone could say more, AJ actually walked into the office.


"AJ!!!!" The Twins screamed at the same time.

"TWINS!!!" He answered with equal excitement. "Good to see you two, can I borrow Chase for a moment?"

"Absolutely, Lizard, give us a call with the answer." MK said, before the video call ended.

"Answer?" AJ asked, holding out his hand.

"One of their models is sick and they need a new one for Fashion Week. They wanted to know if I could step in." I explained.

"Oh, that would be fun."

"They wanted me to also ask you if you would be free to come with me. They really want to meet you."

"Oh..." He frowned for a moment before shrugging. "I can ask. We have a game in Texas and a game in North Carolina coming up, before we go to San Diego and then back here to LA. When is Fashion Week?"

"The 9th through the 14th. The fashion show they are needing a replacement for is on the 10th."

"Let me talk to Freya and see if I can work around that. We play Mexico tomorrow, but then we are resting until the 11th, in Houston. Maybe we can head up on the 6th and I can stay until the night of the 10th, fly over to Houston that night for the game on the 11th... Although, I would really like to see the September 11th Memorial on September 11th." His last sentence was more to himself than to me.

"Talk to Freya." I encouraged. "See if you can meet the team in North Carolina on the 14th. I think you said that game was."

He nodded. "Good plan."

"Did you need something? You came in and looked like you needed something."

"Oh yeah. I got your ticket for the game tomorrow. Did you want to sit in the owners box or in the Family and Friends section behind the bench?"

"The Family and Friends section." I answered quickly. "I wanna be as close to you as possible."

AJ pulled out his phone and sent a quick text before smiling. "Done. I'll go call Freya and see what I can work out. They did say I could opt out of away games if I needed to."

A few hours later, AJ let me know that Freya had given permission for him to meet them in North Carolina for the Courage game on the 14th. I was so excited and I sent the twins a message letting them know that both AJ and I would be up in New York on the 6th, which was only two days away.

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