Chapter 9: The Next Step and A New Journey

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May 9th, 2022


It was my last day here; I would have to catch the train back to San Francisco this afternoon. My heart dropped. I didn't want to leave the place I called my home. The sun was barely up but Chase and I were awake, just holding each other tightly.

"I don't want to go back." I admitted, as we laid in bed shortly after waking up.

"I don't want you to either." Chase whispered into the calm of the morning. "You don't have to go back..."

"What do you mean?" I leaned up to look at her.

She just shook her head after a moment, sitting up and pressing a kiss to my lips. "Never mind, it's a fantasy." Without another word, she heads into the bathroom to start her morning routine. I frowned, what was that?

I followed her into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and wrapping my arms around her waist. Once I was finished, I pressed a kiss to Chase's temple.

"I love you, Chase."

"I love you, AJ." she smiles at the sight of us in the mirror. Leaning back against me, her eyes landed on mine in the mirror and I could tell there was something she wanted to say.

"What's on your mind, my love?" I asked gently.

"I am just going to miss you, babe. I'll be ok." She brushed everything to the side. I frowned but held her tightly.

"I'll miss you too, darlin. I'll be back soon enough...." I went to continue only to be cut off by my cell phone ringing. "Hold that thought."

I ran to grab it off the charger, seeing that it was my boss, the dean of the social science department. Why would he be calling me while I was on a scheduled vacation.

"Good Morning Dean Woodly." I answered.

"Alexander, are you back in town yet? I need to discuss some things with you." He spoke generally, which had me slightly uneasy.

"I have a flight back today, I should be back in San Francisco by mid afternoon. I can come directly to your office if you need me to." I offered.

"That would be preferred." He confirmed. "I will see you when you arrive. Goodbye Alexander."

"Goodbye sir." I hung up, before looking down at my phone. It seems Jackson had sent me a half dozen text messages. I called him immediately after seeing the content of the texts. "Jackson, what's going on?"

"FINALLY! Dude they are cutting the social science program down. Have you gotten a phone call from the Dean yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, literally just hung up with him." I answered.

"Damn. I'm so sorry man. Everyone that I've talked to that has gotten a phone call requesting a meeting is being told they are ending their contract."

My heart began to hammer in my chest. Was I about to get fired? "Wait, seriously?"

Chase came into the room and looked at me in concern. I held up a finger and shook my head.

"Yeah man. You are the fourth I've talked to. I was the first, first thing this morning." He admitted. "Don't worry about me, I've already gotten contacted by the University of Washington as well as a few on the East Coast."

"Good luck Jackson. I'll let you know how my meeting with Dean Woodly goes."

The two of us said goodbye and I put my phone down on the side table and sat on the edge of the bed looking at the floor.

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