Chapter 17 - The Scarlet Witch

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August 10, 2024

POV: Lizzie

I had been working with the Marvel script writers for a few months at this point, working out a rough script that would eventually become the movie. There was one massive issue. I would need to talk Scarlett into returning to Marvel for one final movie. Today would be the day that Scarlett was coming into the office, she had been requested to come in and she had agreed, with no idea what was about to be pitched to her.

Scarlett walked into the office, looking down at her phone. "Hey Kevin... you needed to see me?"

"Yeah, come on in, Scarlett. I have a producer here that wants to pitch you something." Kevin said softly, not bringing attention to me standing in the corner of the office.

Scarlett finally looked up and looked around. "Lizzie?"

"Hey Scar..." I smiled softly and held out a file to her. "I'd like to pitch a movie idea to you, if you would be alright with it?"

She merely nodded, taking the file. I began to explain what I was thinking about for the movie, it would be a single solo movie for The Scarlet Witch, a perfect finale for Wanda's story. I could see the wheels turning in Scarlett's head.

"Let me get this straight, Wanda ends up in a new universe, one that has never been touched before. She finds Nat, who isn't The Black Widow. This Nat is a mother of twins, the doppelgangers of Wanda's twins. Oh and Wanda is suddenly not straight and stuck on Vision?" Scarlett questioned.

"There will be a scene of Wanda and Vision. Vision will tell Wanda that she needs someone physically real to grow old with, someone who can grow old." I explained. "Wanda has never been labeled with a sexuality. I had always portrayed her as a bisexual or pansexual. You know the fans think the same."

"I.... I want in on this." Scarlett said, smiling. "Is it just the one or is there the possibility for more?"

"For the moment, it's a single solo movie." Kevin answered, looking at us both. "We've already talked to the kids, they are on board. You were the last one we needed to approach. Do you need some time before you sign on or are you ready?"

"You got a pen?" Scarlett asked.


August 30, 2024

POV: Third Person


Wanda's eyes fluttered open softly, as she looked around. Her eyes landed on a bunch of photos on the wall. Without a word, she stood and crossed the room, getting closer to the photos. There, standing happily were Wanda and her twins, but also another figure, Natasha. A set of little feet got closer, stopping at the door of the room.

"Mama?" Billy's voice entered Wanda's ears and she spun on her feet.

"William, go to your room." Nat's voice from her left startled Wanda. "I promise you can come see Mama in a bit, ok."

The young boy disappeared up the stairs and Wanda looked slightly confused.

"How..." Nat asked, looking at Wanda.

"I was about to ask the same thing." Wanda spoke up. "You died..."

Nat and Wanda stared at each other, speechless. It was Nat that made the first move, rushing forward and scooping Wanda into her arms, pressing their lips together and shocking Wanda to the core. After the brief kiss, Nat pressed her forehead to Wanda's and smiled.

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