Chapter 7: Conversations & Red Carpet Prep

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Early April 2022

POV: Alex

Lunch was finally upon us, as my colleague Jackson McCrayton sat down across from me. He had been trying to set me up with various friends and other professors. He knows how I feel about Chase, but also knows that I haven't told Chase how I feel about her. Today's woman was a Professor that taught history, specifically Civil War and Reconstruction, here at USF.

"She's smart, hot. Give her a chance."

"I'm sure she is but nah man." I shook my head taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Why not, Alex?" Jackson asked, setting his fork down.

"I'm just..." I paused for a second. "I just don't want to."

"Is this because of the Lizzie chick? Are the two of you actually dating yet? God knows you are stuck on her..."

"We aren't dating..." I sighed, taking a sip of my water.

"But you want to. I know you are stuck on her."

I glared at Jackson for a moment. "Have you ever met her? I mean my god, the woman is a goddess. She's funny and smart. Passionate about what she does and her hobbies. And her smile, my god her smile... Her eyes, I could get lost in her eyes and never have a problem with it." I babbled, looking at the photo on my cell phone. "She's... perfect."

"You are so in love with her... Have you TOLD her this?" Jackson rolled his eyes at me.

I shook my head and let my head drop onto the table with a soft thunk. "I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"You, sir, are an idiot." Jackson wiped his mouth and stood. "Man up and admit your feelings about her or someone is gonna take her from you."

I knew he was right, but did I really want to risk losing her, if she didn't feel the same?


April 25th, 2022

POV: Alex

Chase had invited me to the premiere of Multiverse of Madness in just 8 days. I was excited but nervous at the same time. It would bring me into the spotlight of her world, which was something I knew would take a lot to get used to. I would get to stand by her side and be her support for the event. I loved that idea, even if it brought our friendship into the light.

Her stylist, who's name I never did catch, had just left. They had gotten my measurements from the Twins and I had tried on a few specific suit designs. I was fascinated with the designs, specifically the details in the one that the stylist was fixated on. It had wispy red details up the arms and ending on the shoulders, as if Wanda's magic was built right into the sleeves. It seemed Lizzie wanted us to have custom matching suits.

"Babe?" Chase's voice came over the video call, pulling me from my thoughts. "Still with me?"

"Of course. Always with you." I answered, pulling myself back to the present. "Your stylist said we would have matching suits? Will yours have the wispy red detailing too?"

"Yeah, I thought the idea of matching suits would be nice. And no, my suit is just plain black, no red detailing." She said softly. "Most likely a black suit, with maybe some red accents in my makeup."

"To match your powers, I love it." I smirked.

"So you have caught up then..."

"Of course. It wouldn't be smart if I went to a Marvel Premiere, without having actually seen some of the projects? I would be crucified. Plus I had to pick a favorite character."

"And? Who did you pick?" She asked, her eyes rather bright at the idea that I had finally chosen a favorite character.

"Oh... just this little character... with red hair." I winked. "Yeah she's a Russian assassin."

"You little shit." Lizzie grumped, crossing her arms.

"I'm kidding. Wanda is by far my favorite, with Nat and Clint as my second and third." I corrected, holding back a laugh. "I can't wait to see you. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. I can't believe it's been so long since we have seen each other in person. I'll need plenty of cuddles." Her voice was soft. I knew that her and I both needed cuddles. It was something that we shared. It seems our love language was touch, and having been so far away from each other had caused some withdrawal issues.

We hadn't seen each other in person since that first Christmas we shared, back in 2019. Everything else had been nothing but video calls and phone calls, letters and presents. I would be spending a whole week with Chase starting the day before the premiere.

I sighed softly, wondering if I would ever get the balls to actually ask her out. I wanted so badly to make her my girlfriend, to be her boyfriend.

"You are thinking too hard." Lizzie said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Are you sure you want to go to the premiere? You don't have to."

"I want to be there. I want to celebrate your work, Chase. You are my person."

"As you are my person." She said softly.


May 1st, 2022

POV: Lizzie

It was almost time. He was almost here. I couldn't wait. His train had already arrived and he made me promise not to meet him at the train station. I did send my driver to pick him up though. I wanted him protected and here with me as quickly as possible. I was ready for the world to know that he was my boyfriend, my partner, the love of my life.

Before I could get too deep into my thoughts, the doorbell rang and I smiled. It took only seconds for me to get from the kitchen to the front door. Opening the door, I smiled as he stood there, smiling down at me.

"Hello Darlin." His voice was so much better in person.

"Babe." I said softly, before falling into his arms. He picked me up with ease and walked into the house. With the door shut behind him, he dropped his bag and held me tightly.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered in my ear as he began running his hand up and down my back. "You are my person, can we please never go this long without seeing each other?"

I buried my nose into his neck, taking in his scent. After a few moments, I pulled away and smiled, laying my head on his chest, listening to his heart. "I missed you too, more than I can describe. You are my person. If I had the choice, AJ, I would never leave your side again."

That night we spent it just sitting with each other, never too far apart. He offered to sleep in the guest room, but I shook my head, leading him to my bed.

"Good Night AJ. You are my person." I said as I laid my head on his chest. The cloth of his shirt and the heat radiation from under the shirt were the only things I could feel on the side of my face.

"Good Night Chase. Just as you are my person." He whispered back, his fingers running up and down my back.

How I wished his fingers were tracing on the actual skin of my back. One day soon we would take that next step, and I couldn't wait.


A/N: Well Well Well... Lizzie's being a bit bolder. She's made her choice, she wants to announce their relationship... How will AJ react to that? 

Word Count: 1273

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