Unpopular Opinions

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Inspired by @motherguts (I think?? I don't remember which account you did it on, sorry 😭) I think I've done this before but not in a while and, ya know, things change. 

Also, I can't confirm or deny how unpopular these actually are. What always seems to happen when I write these is that they're unpopular widely within the community and I rarely see agreement...until I post it here literally everyone agrees with me. I think it's mostly because the people who comment on here are people we talk with me a lot. So clearly they either agree with me or accept my stupid opinions, so they're less likely to argue. 

Which is cool, don't think I'm sitting here saying "god, I wish someone would tell me I'm wrong :( " but like...I did try to think of stuff people might disagree with, just so I don't look like that guy who makes the coldest takes and claims they're "unpopular" just to get attention/approval.

Also, final note, I tried to keep these semi organized. It's not super rigid, but you should be able to just skip around to whatever you're actually interested in. 

• Chihuahua's get a bad rap. Like, if I was tiny, fragile, unable to protect myself, and constantly surrounded by large creatures that wanted to invade my personal space and manhandle me (often in ways that were uncomfortable at best and painful at worst) at any given moment (and sometimes actively upset me for jokes) I'd also be super anxious and hostile. 

          — They're also cute when, you know, they aren't stressed the fuck out. 

          — I have similar feelings about cats. Every time I meet someone IRL who actually believes stuff like "cats are soulless" and "cats are evil" it's either because 1) they've never met a cat and took the meme too seriously or 2) they have met a cat, but they didn't give the cat time to warm up to them (either forcing themselves on the cat or giving up too soon.) Meanwhile, literally every single cat I've met and given time to get use to me/approach on their own terms has eventually become very lovey and cuddly. 

          — Where I'm going with this is some people seem to have a bad habit of treating their pets like little dolls they can wallow on and ignore the personal needs of, and then blaming the animal for being angry about it. Except it's not the animal's issue, they're not dolls, and honestly people with these mindset desperately need to realize this before they get their face bit off because they fucked with something they can't punt. 

• That thing you're collecting to one day sell for insane prices isn't going to work. I say this as someone who collects stuff a lot. Funko pops, plushes, Pokémon cards, and recently I've been trying to collect foreign money. But so many people talk about how they're collecting stuff so they can sell them for insane prices later on, which is like...did you learn nothing from beanie babies? Just collect what you enjoy, and you won't have to worry about resale because you'll be keeping them in the first place. 

          — Also it'd probably save you money, since you're only buying what you want instead of everything you can get your hands on or more expensive "collectors" stuff

• Blue raspberry isn't that good. Do I like it? Yes. Is it so good that every brand ever needs to make "blue raspberry only" bags? No. 

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