Countess And Rage

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"Miri unlike your other rampages I expect you to be at the table and act with the prestige of your rank." (Countess)

{Ungrateful brat we let her into our home and this is how she repays us.}

Hiding the notebook I turned around and looked at the rude woman shouting at me.

"I'm sorry about your excellence but due to some prior matters, I thought it is in your best interest if I remain here." (MC)

Keep your head low don't look at her. Unlike earlier some more memories return to me this time without pain. Each memory that she would look boldly at the countess she would be in more trouble than before.

{How dare she? She has no right to make decisions for me.}

"And for what reason do you think it's okay to miss breakfast?" (Countess)

"Due to the physical state I'm in I understand that if I had arrived with such a mark it would be an insult to the count's prestige with the importance of the recent guest." (MC)

Grabbing my face harshly she ripped the bandage off my face revealing a completely bruised cheek.

"I don't care if you are sick injured or dying next time have your maid report to me about your physical condition next time I won't let it go." (Countess)

{That stupid son of mine. He just had to leave a mark on her where it is visible.} (Countess)

"Countess due to my condition can I have permission to attend activities tomorrow." (MC)

Please I need some time to myself.

"If you even a second late you will receive punishment understood." (Countess)

{She better be grateful if it wasn't for the guest here I would have had her whipped.} (Countess)

"Yes Milady." (MC)


Collapsing to the ground I had to stop from crying again. The memories that were recalled were of everything that involved the countess. Which almost all involved trauma. The whip they would use always left bruises but due to the fact I might be sold for marriage later on she can't do anything that would leave a permanent scar. Otherwise, I would become damaged goods.

*Knock Knock*

Stopping from crying I stiffened my face although it probably is swollen from the agitation earlier.

"Come in." (MC)

"Here is your breakfast Miss." (Leanne)

{The countess was enraged earlier if it wasn't for the fact that the duke and his son were here things would have ended a lot worse.} (Leanne)

"Thank you I'll call you when I'm done." (MC)


She left without a word I stared at the plate of food In front of me. Although I am not treated very well in the house it is an insult to feed me anything less than perfect. The original gets to try exotic foods and has to keep up with trends in the world of fashion and food. So with that, I took a bite of the delicate food before me. It's so good. I think the food is the only reason why this feels bearable. It still sucks though.

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