Manipulate The Stack

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"Well if it isn't our kid sister. Here to earn brownie points after yesterday's endeavor." (Altan)

Bright red hair like their mother and pale blue eyes like Their father. The siblings if it wasn't for the fact of yesterday and the memories of Miri I would be entranced by their looks. It's also thanks to Harkin the older of the two that I had a bruise across my face. But I have to be thankful for that otherwise I wouldn't have come to my senses. But slapping a young girl and wishing she was dead is another thing.

"Greetings big brother Harkin and big brother Altan. I'm sorry I couldn't help with yesterday's endeavors I hope it wasn't too much of a hindrance." (MC)

{It was thanks to her that I woke up before dawn and barely got any sleep after hitting her. Then she had to skip all the meals just because I hit her in a visible spot. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have gotten scolded in the first place.} (Harkin)

{She has no idea how busy we got because of her. Thanks to that we looked like fools in front of the Duke.} (Altan)

Eating the small bit of food that I was served I know that they don't like me. But I have no memory that makes me like them either.

"Father I was wondering if I could get a tutor since school is starting in a couple of months." (MC)

{Father? How dare she neither of us is allowed isn't she supposed to be neglected why is she allowed to call him father?} (Altan)

{That bitch I bet she is trying to suck up to father} (Harkin)

"That is right school is coming up soon. Altan, Harkin you know what I expect. Miri I'll have a tutor sent to you tomorrow." (Count)

Ask questions. Miri never called the count Father once so for me to call him father in front of you what will you do?

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