Magic And Talent

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Feel the air as it rushes through you. That is mana you, can use the mana in you for which it is forever growing and never the same. Focus on the sensation of your fingers picture the wind that goes through you flowing to your fingertips. lat that wind spark and light between the tips of your fingers. See yourself and the mana flowing and sparking Move it through your body and picture what will happen. 

What do I want to happen? Do I want to be silent to others? Do I wish for those who look at me not to see me? What do I want in this action? Feeling unsure I felt the sparks of my mana jolt through me causing pain. It backfired and instead of doing magic, I electrocuted myself.

"Ouch." (MC)

That hurt unexpectedly so I stopped what I was doing and let go of my focus.

"Miss are you okay?" (Leanne)

{She seemed fine a moment ago why is she yelping now?} (Leanne)

"It's nothing just startled myself." (MC)

{Thanks to her if I succeed I will be able to have a promotion. So for now I'll repay what is owed.} (Leanne)

I guess she will have a use at some point. Oh, I need to have them notify the kitchen staff about setting up a tea time with the Duke and his son. Pressing a button she came back.

{Why couldn't she have requested me when I asked if she was okay?} (Leanne)

Okay her reaction is understandable considering I'd think the same thing.

"I just remembered I plan on hosting tea time with the Duke and his son the day before their departure will you let the staff know ahead of time?" (MC)

{Are the rumors true? With how things are she might be making to go up the food chain like her mother.} (Leanne)

If it wasn't for the fact she is thinking this is be pissed. Let's stroke her ego.

"Due to missing out on their first day here, I wanted to serve them as an apology. And I wanted your help setting it up. Since you are so talented with makeup I wanted your opinion when it comes to decorum if love it and if you'd help me freshen up on the day. Besides im unable to do anything as successfully as you." (MC)

I'll also ask the countess for help under the pretext of bringing honor to the house. But I'll also be able to dissuade sabotage at the same time.

{Hmm well no one is better than me I think I like this being better than a noble that is.} (Leanne)

Final blow.

"Oh actually I know your sense of fashion might be impeccable but with me hosting the Teaparty I'm required to have assistance from the Countess." (MC)

Finishing writing the letter I put it in an envelope with lavender I put a Peace Lily stamp with wax to seal it.

{If I show how great I am to the countess I could become her maid. Maybe even the head maid.} (Leanne)

Handing Leanne the envelope I need her aware that this needs to be handed to the Countess immediately.

"This is for the countess no matter what get this to her." (MC)

She seemed scared but she wished out of the room.

Walking over I locked the door. Mages can input magic into everyday items what if I can do the same thing?

Now that I think of it Miri unlike others when it comes to her magical abilities is unpredictable. Not because she was weak but because she couldn't control her Mana. Her ability far exceeded their physical capabilities. Meaning her mana is uncontrollable and erratic. Flipping through the pages I found what I was thinking of.

I know you want me deadKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat