Civil Pretense

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Eating breakfast it was almost too quiet only niceties that are necessary. I don't plan on getting on the duke's good side all that much doesn't help that the countess keeps thinking that I am seducing the duke and his son so that I can go up in status like my mother or so she claims. For me, I don't care about going up in status. Trying to go up in status and falling in love with the prince. She was doomed from the start. Miri never knew love or kindness so having experienced it herself. The prince showed her kindness which she became obsessed with and became a stalker. She was practically a yandere.

She tried to entrap him and she even contemplated killing the mc. She traumatized many while also pretending to be kind in hopes that the prince would look at and love only her. She was never designed to be capable of being normal. Even her magic wasn't normal. But right now that doesn't matter. I need to figure out how to be dismissed. I also need to find out a way to visit the grave. I can't trust Leanne.

If I can duplicate the paperwork I can have information to protect myself and also fight with. I know that the countess wants me dead she already had her mother killed. I have no way to protect myself but if I have back mail and that maid she is going to be of use. The Duke and his son will be leaving by next week but I need them to make a deal.

{I have work to do I have a meeting.} (Count)

"Father I know you have a lot of work to do today but I was wondering if I can talk to you about something important in your office." (MC)

{Hmm as long as she is fast.} (Count)

"Follow me" (Count)

{What is she doing? I have never once seen her be this confident. She is using the Duke as a way to be let off She is going to be punished when they are gone I swear.} (Countess)

I'll make sure you won't be able to touch me by the time they leave. I also need to master duplication and alteration magic. Invisibility and clone would be nice but I need that paperwork more than that magic. I need exact copies of the paperwork and I also need to avoid giving full information. Survival is my goal.

"It was a pleasure to meet you two if you don't mind I'd love to invite you over for some tea later on at least before you leave our home. That is if you don't mind." (MC)

{She might be of use. She holds no attachment to this family so if we can use her it would be of use.} (Duke)

I won't let you use me without a cost.

"It would be our pleasure." (Duke)

"I'll have my maid notify you when everything is ready. Now if it won't be too much trouble I'll see myself off." (MC)

{What is she up to?} (Count)

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