Hold Your Interst

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{Damn it why do I have to take care of her so early. Normally she can handle herself. Although that bruise looks pretty bad and the Count will punish me if she doesn't look healthy.}

"Ouch." (MC)

"Sorry about that miss I just have to touch it up a little more." (Leanne)

{There I am a master when I get the chance I think doing makeup is the only thing I enjoy doing for this position.} (Leanne)

Looking in the mirror it was like I was never injured in the first place. Not only that she softened the harsh corners of my eyes making me look more innocent and less tired looking. She takes pride in makeup so what if I use that to my advantage?

"Leanne you're so talented I could never pull off this level of work even the Countess would want you on her side. Maybe even the Queen." (MC)

{Of course, anyone would be lucky to have me if only I wasn't forced to work with you.} (Leanne)

Grabbing Leanne's hands I made myself make an expression of admiration and loyalty. I will make myself an ally or I'll find a way to replace her with one.

"Leanne I promise you I'll talk it to Father to make him see your worth. You deserve a raise you did so amazing I can't help but admire you. You deserve even better than what we can give." (MC)

{This girl maybe she isn't half bad after all. Maybe she can help me stand at the top maybe I'll even get married to one of his sons.} (Leanne)

"Your far too kind miss Miri." (Leanne)

Time 5:56 I have 34 minutes till breakfast.

"Leanne, will you go and see if the other servers need help with anything for breakfast? The other servants are probably stressed due to having to be perfect for the guests. And with how amazing you are with your care for me maybe you can have a promotion with how hard your working." (MC)

{A promotion this is amazing so all I have to do is butter up a useless child and ill climb the ladder even if I don't marry into the count family. Getting a raise and promotion will make my life even easier.} (Leanne)


Well, she is fast. But leaving a trail of crumbs for a rat is easy. Making her believe I'm her way to a high life she will either serve me better or become worse. I wonder what she will be. Poison or medicine either way she has her uses. And it will be easy for me to tell if I can use her. Although she doesn't show her thoughts on her face her thoughts are easy to read.

Putting on the clothes I chewed on mint and made sure to put on a citrus-scented lotion and perfume citrus is known to help with the feelings of serotonin and mint reduces stress. It also helps whiten teeth and reduce bad breath. Grabbing a glass I rinsed out my mouth and smiled with pearly whites. Sliding the stocking up my legs and putting on the shoes my outfit is almost complete. Looking for a dainty necklace with matching earrings. And it's done. Oh, mercury I need to see if the makeup contains any metals like lead and mercury, or else I might have accidentally had myself poisoned. Looking at the ingredients it doesn't even contain metals or anything terrible if I got to say this contains less harmful substances than modern makeup and that's saying something.

From flashbacks of the original Miri's memories, she couldn't read minds but can tell what made her father happy and what made him angry. He loves the books of Rekishi History of Magic and war is what Miri has caught him reading the most on his breaks. Here it is grabbing it I headed to breakfast. Time 6:15 a.m.

Going in the Count was already there eating off and on eating a newspaper.

"Father... Your Excellency I'm sorry for my inability to attend the meals yesterday and would like to apologize." (MC)

Bowing my head while lowing my body I don't exactly know how to curtsy or what I should do in this situation but I need to get this right. Making sure that the cover is on display without being covered by my hair I made sure to position myself so that even if the count were to just take a glance he would see the cover of the book.

{What does she need this time?} (Count)

He seemed to do a double take when he saw me holding the book.

{She has never taken an interest in learning anything yet she is going around carrying that book no doubt she is only doing this for attention.} (Count)

"Fath... I mean your Excellency I had just started reading this while recovering yesterday and wanted to know your thoughts on the war of Filthelm. For me, it felt like it was a conspiracy and that the war was never supposed to become public knowledge but I've never heard of such a thing." (MC)

Sitting down I laid the book down making sure that the bookmark and the slightly tinted pages would catch his eyes. Although it isn't artificial the real Miri would try every night to read this book. But no matter how much she read she didn't understand any of it. She was a child and trying to do something like her father in hopes of recognition and love. I'll use it to my advantage.

{There is no way to make the wearing down of the pages even though I know that. Has she been trying to study this whole time?} (Count)

"Hmm based on your assumptions you are partially correct but not completely. It was originally a failed assassination attempt over a land dispute. It then progressed out of control leading to the deaths of thousands of innocents. If you want my opinion such actions were pointless." (Count)

He answered I thought this plan wouldn't work. Sipping on tea the servants served me a light starter for breakfast.

"I thought as much. If only they could have found a better way but father if it was you involved would you have used the known corruption to your advantage or avoided it as they did? From what I could tell if they did that they would have won without any casualties on their side so I was thinking maybe they were also involved in black market deals." (MC)

Hook and line is ready will you take the bait or will you let it sink to the depths?

"As you say I would have done as you said. Honestly, that is a safer version of what they were doing and if it had worked it would have taken care of the underground market in that area for a while. And as you said there was corruption on both sides.". (Count)

{It's been a long time since I've had an intellectual conversation with any of my children I hope she doesn't disappoint.} (Count)

Caught him. Now for the waves to make sure that he isn't letting go.

"Father... I'm sorry I keep addressing you as such but I only have this book from the set and I was wondering if I could have all Sensō to mahō no rekishi. I would love to have more conversations like this in the future if it doesn't bother you." (MC)

{Interesting most don't know that that is the name for all the books together and there are different ones.} (Count)

"I'll make sure they send it to you before the end of the day. Is there anything else I can do for you?" (Count)

Waving his hand at the butler I know I'll have those books before the end of the day. And this conversation he wants. Is straight to the point but I won't say the truth.

"I know this is presumptuous of me but can I call you father?" (MC)

{This child thinks she could win me over just like that as if it would be that easy but I'll play.} (Count)

"Your my only daughter of course you can call me father." (Count)

Overconfidence will drown you in a sea of reality. I already know you won't truly love me just for having an interesting conversation. Repeated actions that cause interest will cause me to become irreplaceable. That is my goal make is to that you won't no can't let me get killed.

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