Dreamless Reality

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Waking up really from a night of restlessness. I hoped I was waking up to my original world. But alas like a fleeting dream and rest full sleep I didn't get that, but woke up still in the book as Miri.

"Damn it." (MC)

Going through the clothes I felt uncomfortable but I have to find something to wear in this body. Since this is the body of a 13-year-old girl the clothes and styles I wore in my original are a definite no-go. Besides the book I'm in had a modern with a European ambiance flair. So a home the equipment looks modern maybe even some of the furniture but the home and decorations are a little more dated. Sometimes it blends and looks even more sophisticated other times it doesn't. Clothes wise you could think of modern style pants instead of the weird Braies pants. Even shirts although rarely most people don't wear a tunic. And women's clothes. Although not popular women are allowed to wear pants. Dresses can come in more styles pencil dresses at this time are popular with some women others believe it is too revealing.

But this is too much. Most of the dresses are too mature for a child and the others are too childish for me. Finding the perfect dress I came across a shorter dress with rolled sleeves being loose-fitting it is gorgeous. It doesn't sexualize it has a loose fit so it won't be uncomfortable and it is perfect for the day. Grabbing the dress I laid it out on the bed.

"What shoes should I wear with it?" (MC)

Looking outside I looked at the clock it is 4:30 am. I still have time to get cleaned up a bit more. So I dug through the closet for shoes and stockings to go with the outfit. For shoes, I went with pump heels that are the same shade of blue as the dress. The stockings were simple to find so with that I went to the bathroom.

Cleaning my face brushing and styling my hair I know should probably call the maid to this but knowing her ill just hear her thoughts of complaints and I already have to go eat breakfast with people who hate me. Braiding the hair I got it styled back into a ponytail. Looking for a curling iron I remembered that such a thing probably doesn't exist. I visioning it I remember how to use magic from the books I used my knowledge of how a curling iron works and I began to curl my hair. Although it didn't work the first few times it started to curl and become wavey so I gave up around then.

Looking at my new face in the mirror I know that this face doesn't need make up to look good the bandage on my face was gone for a while and the bruse on my face is still somewhat there looking a little purple. So I guess I'll ask the maid to help me with the make up I was never good at make up in the other world so I might as well have help from someone who is supposed to help in the mornings to the night.


5:00 a.m. One hour thirty minutes till breakfast with the family.

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