Act 7: Part 2

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Minako held the three-ringed necklace in her hands, a small smile playing on her lips. She had no idea where her dad had found it, but the fact that it had belonged to her birth father made her happy. It was what he wanted to give her when she and Naruto met up with him, but that Shin guy ruined it. The white-haired "Uchiha" made Mina mad, enraged even. How dare he assume that her birth father would want to bring chaos into the world or even hurt his little brother, the one he loved so dearly and even died for! He dishonored Itachi and that made Mina want to kill him, but a small whisper told her not to, that he would get what was coming to him and that did happen- the mini Shin's attacked him and killed him themselves. Sweet sweet revenge that only slightly resolved her fury.

The whisper calmed her when she felt angry at the way the false Uchiha held so many sharingan that hadn't belonged to him, but Sasuke's hand, that gently stroked her hair, prevented her from recklessly attacking him. That man. Mina's hands fisted, but she let out a small breath and all the rage vanished as though it wasn't even there in the first place. After all, she had other things to deal with.

"A B-ranked mission, Hokage-sama?" an old classmate of Mina's, Satito Itsuki, questioned as the Uchiha clipped the necklace once more around her neck. She stood with Itsuki on her right and Isamu stood on her left with Ren-sensei behind them. Mirai had been injured during a B-ranked escort mission that she had done with a fellow chunin and was on a break from missions for the next week. Since she and Ren were both Jounin, Mina knew it would be a more difficult mission, but she was prepared.


She was not prepared. Itsuki's constant chatter made her eye twitch in annoyance. He was going to give away their cover! What good is a ninja that can't ninja? Mina could remember how shy he was on their first day at the academy and for goodness sake, what happened!?

"Oi, Itsuki-san, Shut up." Mina snapped in irritation at the boy who furrowed his eyebrows in her direction.

"But, Mina-channnn~" Thankfully, a hand cut off his whines. Ren-sensei gave Itsuki a hard glare that had him gulping in fear. With that irksome individual out of the way, the group of four crouched behind some bushes to watch their target. The mission was simple but dangerous. They would have to observe a Hidden Sand criminal escapee, a rogue ninja, who had tried to kill the Kazekage and then was able to murder seventeen citizens and three Jonin, before being apprehended. As Konoha was an ally to Sunagakure, Naruto had told Gaara that he would send out some Chunin and Jonin to observe the rogue's habits, and then the Anbu could take action, more so because he was spotted in The Land of Fire. So there they sat, making quiet observations of a shaggy-looking man that ate a dead fish.

Mina leaned on Isamu, not noticing his flushed cheeks as the sun began to set. The rogue laid down on the ground to sleep, but something struck Minako as peculiar. Why wasn't this man alert or even setting traps? Something was wrong-

"Ren-sensei!?" She heard Itsuki cry out. Mina snapped her head in the direction she had last seen her sensei only to find him being restrained by someone with a mask covering his lower face, but that shaggy hair caused Minako to look back, only to find the man no longer there, fish corpse long forgotten.

"NO!" The girl watched in horror as five other ninjas jumped out from the bushes. The rogue had connections, she realised in dismay. One was quick to stab Itsuki in the heart and she could only watch with wide eyes as he fell to the ground, the fear still ever present on his face. Mina brought her shaky hands to her mouth and summoned a crow, telling him to get back up, and as he flew away-

"REN-SENSEI!" Mina could no longer think straight as her sensei lost his head.

"My name is Yukan Ren... My dislikes are... people without the will of fire... Finally, my goal is to help the new generation become strong."

Nothing registered in her mind, not the long cut she received from her chest to the bottom of her stomach or the kunai that was embedded in her right thigh. All she could see was her beloved sensei with a frown on his face instead of his usual grin. What had the world come to, to throw away the kind man she saw as a father figure?

'I've got to move! I can still save Isamu!' She screamed in her mind, but her legs refused to move as though they were paralyzed. 'Move, you coward!'

She noticed too late, a man running at her with a kunai in hand. Upon reflex, she closed her eyes, awaiting the pain and ready to welcome it like an old friend... yet it never came.

"" She heard as something wet dropped onto her face. Her throat closed up, a lump forming in it as tears filled her eyes. Mina looked up to see Isamu shielding her from the attack, a long, deep, and completely unfixable cut along his back and a few kunai stuck out, and yet, his hand glowed green as he tried to heal her own cuts. Rain began to fall, feeling like a cliche in that moment.

"Is-Isamu?" she whispered out in disbelief as tears filled her eyes and rain pelted down onto her. "N-no! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Mina cried out as a roar of thunder was heard nearby. The Uchiha collapsed onto her knees as Isamu's weight fell onto her, his arms weakly holding her shoulders as blood dripped down the corners of his mouth, splattering onto her already stained top. Then his arms lost their strength and he brought his lips to hers in a harsh and desperate kiss, salty tears being tasted by both. It was not unlike that of a river cascading and yet remained unseen as a result of the sky's wails. Just as Mina was about to recuperate the gesture, the warmth of his lips left her own and he fell into her lap, the brunette boy becoming alarmingly pale.

"M-mi.. na, I lo-love you a-and-" he coughed and more blood was spilled onto Mina's soaked outfit.

"No, please don't talk! Isamu-kun, you're still going to live-" The tears finally left her red eyes as they fell down her face like a waterfall, mixing into the rain.

"I-I won't...I'm s-sor.. ry f-for wai-waiting so long. Liv-live p-please..." his weak voice faded out and all that could be heard was the vicious storm and occasional claps of thunder, until-

A loud scream of anguish echoed through the forest and three golden chains erupted from the only survivor's back, impaling the leftover men like kabobs, effectively killing them. It wasn't the only thing that happened as three tomoes spun, merging into the shape of an intricate rose. It quickly became too much for Mina as her vision began to blur from blood loss and lack of chakra. Just before she passed out, she heard the voice of an unfamiliar man say her name,





Author-chan's fun fact: Mirai had to live. Rip Itsuki Lol.

A/N: Heyyyy everyone! I'd just like to clarify because I know I'll get comments. Mina is exceptionally strong, however, like anyone else, she can experience paralyzing fear. She cared so much for her team, even Itsuki, that seeing them struck down so easily made her freeze and fall into immediate despair. The enemy was also so strong and her attention was split between remembering a technique to use and feeling anguish over her team because as it's known, Uchiha's love harder than anyone least I think that's how the saying goes 🤔. With that out of the way~ I'm excited to announce that next week's chapter finally gives the answer to everyone's most burning question! Anyway, please vote and add this story to your library because it's just getting started~ *rubs hands together evilly*

-Author-chan :)

P.S. I love to draw so I'll be adding drawings to this at some point, so keep an eye out for that!

Q: Who is your favorite anime mc? It can be from any anime.

A: Kusuo Saiki 

Published: 06/27/2023

Word Count: 1,414

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