Chapter 1 A Martinducation

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"And it feels like Heaven on Earth, traveling across the universe."

I was currently laying in bed looking up at the ceiling while listening to Steve Aoki's track "Heaven on earth" . The song meant so much to me, all I wanted to do was travel the world doing what I love, to me it would be heaven on earth, which was why I related so much to the song.

I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jessie. I'm a 17 year old kid who is completely obsessed with electronic music. There are no words to describe how happy it makes me and so about a year ago I started producing my own music in hopes of becoming a well known DJ/producer. It hasn't quite worked out yet considering no one has heard my tracks. Sort of going for the "Ghost producer" vibe y'know? I know If I want my music to get discovered then I should send out my tracks to different labels but I'm not so confident about it. In other words, rejection isn't really my cup of tea.

Anyways, enough about my music , I need something to eat because if I don't get food inside this tummy , I swear it might attack me in my sleep .

"Mooooom I'm-" I called out to my mom just before she cut me off and said;

"There's pizza in the microwave Jessie" she knows me so well.

"Thanks!" I yelled back

My mom Carla Anderson is the editor in chief of Elle Magazine. I'm sure you've heard of it, really famous magazine with tons of celebs on the cover. And my dad Steven Anderson is the head a manufacturing company. They're really business savvy as you can tell.

They were able to provide us with a big house and a good lifestyle considering they've worked hard all their lives.
My siblings love using our lifestyle to their advantage and don't really realize how hard my parents have worked. Yeah talk about unappreciative douchebags huh?

I, on the other hand want to work hard to get to my goal because what's the point of achieving something if you didn't work hard for it? I bet I could've easily achieved my dreams with the help of my parent's money but I don't really want that. I'd be much more satisfied if I accomplished everything myself, therefore you may now consider me the perfect child.

After my pizza I went straight up to my room to work on a track. I wasn't going to send it to anyone but it's just really fun to produce music so that's basically what I did during my free time.

I sat at my computer table and started working. Not a moment later my bestfriend Jasmine decided to call.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Her voice rang through the phone , typical Jasmine, always so enthusiastic.

"The sky" I answered her stating the obvious.

"I smell sarcasm"

"You mean you hear?"

"Ugh whatever. Anyways, have you thought about sending one of your tracks ?" Oh did I forget to mention that Jas is the only person who has heard my tracks , she's been my best friend since first grade so I trust her with my life.

"For the millionth time Jasmine , I'm not comfortable with sending out my tracks to record labels , I mean what if they reject me or just ignore ?"

"Gosh , you're such a pessimist"

"No, I'm a realist. I can't just think out my entire life and expect it to go my way like a fairytale"

"You can do that you know"

"I know , but what's the point ? and we've already discussed this so many times, to the point where it's gotten boring and you're getting on my nerves."

"Okay, change of subject then. I have some good news for you ."

"And that would be?"

"I GOT US TICKETS TO TOMORROWLAND BELGIUM" she screamed through the phone

"No way !!! You're kidding right ?? Are you freaking kidding me?!"

"Nope I'm being 100% serious"

"Oh my goodness, Jasmine !!!" now it was my turn to scream ."I can't believe we're going to Tomorrowland !!"

"I know right? Neither do I! We've been waiting for this our whole lives . and guess who's headlining ?"

"Who , who , who ??"


"Martin who?"

"Wait wait wait ?? are you telling me you don't know who Martin Garrix is ?"

"Don't make me feel like I'm committing a crime"

"Girl , I'm coming over right now. You need a Martinducation"

"A what ??"

"A Martinducation . A Martin Garrix education , girl I'm going to enlighten your mind with everything about Martin Garrix. You're gonna feel like Jesus paid you a visit"

"Oookkkaaayy Jas. Chill out , you know I'm a Hardwell girl"

"Yeah but you need Garrix in your life , okay I'm hanging up. I'll be there in 30 minutes"

"Okay, bye !" And with that she hung up on me.
We'll see what this Martinducation has to bring .


Hey so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the story !

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