Chapter 45 The bet

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Knock knock



"Martin, get up. There's someone at the door."

"Can't you get it?"

"It's your apartment, whoever is at the door, isn't here for me."

"I'm too tired, please please please get it?"

"Ugh, fine." I put on my robe and went to get the door. On my way to the door, I looked over at the kitchen and noticed that the dishes had already been done. I shook my head. Martin must have gotten up and done them while I was asleep.

I got to the door and opened it and saw a very familiar face standing there.


"Julian, what are you doing here?" I asked and pulled him into a hug.

"I could ask you the same question" he replied with a smirk.

"I'm here for my boyfriend. What's your excuse?" I asked

"I'm here for your boyfriend as well." he replied

"The boyfriend is here. What's up?" asked a sleepy Martijn while walking into the living room.

"Well, we were supposed to meet up yesterday to go to the studio but apparently, you've got other things going on."

"The studio can wait. I haven't seen Jess in a month. She's way more important."

I looked at Martijn in admiration. He didn't tell me that he had to go to the studio and yet he was here with me, making time for me. He even made dinner for me.

Julian put a hand over his heart. "I am hurt. I am hurt that I am no longer the important one in your life."

"Well times have changed, buddy. You're no longer the number one woman in my life." replied Martijn.

"Now I'm even more hurt. Anyways, are we going to the studio or not?"

"Not really. Jess is starting school tomorrow so I'm gonna spend the day with her."

Julian had fallen to the ground, pretending to faint.

"Why? Why have you forsaken me?" he yelled, clutching Martijn's legs.

"Dude, get a life."

"Oh, I already have one and it's fabulous. Anyways, I'll leave you two love birds to whatever it was that you were doing" he winked

"We were sleeping for Christ sake!" I yelled

"Sure you were" he smirked and left.

"So, pancakes or waffles?" asked Martijn

"Hmm, pancakes." I said while walking over and giving him a kiss.

"Pancakes it is then."

"Oh hey Marty."


"Thanks for doing the dishes last night."

"Thanks for not doing them." he winked

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