Chapter 14 Beautiful abs and track making

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I got all the stuff out of the bag and put them on the table . I took off my jacket and placed it inside my bag. I put my hair up in a ponytail and I saw Julian smirking at me , that's when I realized my shirt went a little too high up my stomach when I was tying my hair into a knot, and it was showing.

Crap. I put my hand down. Julian came up to me and said;

"Those are some abs you got there, but mine are better " He said with a wink

"Oh, really ? Prove it " I challenged

He lifted his shirt up revealing a six pack . Sweet baby Jesus. He definitely had better abs than me, but I wasn't gonna tell him that .

"Pfffttt, I've seen better "

"In what world !? " Jasmine exclaimed "That six pack is fiiinnee" She continued

"Yeah , six pack of pudding cups " I smirked

"You're kidding right ?" Amanda said in amazement

"Okay , okay Julian , you can put your shirt down now " I said , I looked over at Martin and he looked, wait. He looked jealous? Probably jealous of Julian's abs.

"I'm scared , what if there's a ghost here " Rafaela said

"Of course there's bound to be at least one ghost, this is a haunted house dumbass" I said

She rolled her eyes

"Ugh I hope your eyeballs fall off "

I decided to eat some gummy bears.I took them out of my bag and started eating , everyone else was busy doing their own thing .We were gonna watch a movie in a while  so Mandi and Jasmine were setting up all the sleeping bags.

"Hey , share some of those " Julian said and sat beside me on the couch, I pushed him away

"No way José , these gummy bears are mine " I smirked

"Okay then , you won't be the first one to hear my new song " He said

"Fine" I said and gave him the bag "But you're gotta let me hear it now " I continued

"Sure , and for the record; I wasn't gonna let anyone besides you hear it first anyway so" He smirked , that son of a

"You tricked me! Give them back" I said and tackled him to the ground

"You're so brutal " He screamed , everyone was staring at us by now but I didn't care. All my fat ass wanted were my bag of precious gummy bears . I had a plan . I laughed really loud then pretended I was "choking " on air , and got off him. For obvious reasons, he got worried and stood up to get me some water , now was my chance , I went behind him and grabbed the bag of gummy bears.

"Victory !!!" I shouted , everyone was laughing by now. Martijn just shook his head at my immaturity.

Julian smirked "Well played"

"Thank you" I bowed my head

"Okay dorks , I have the movie ready and I got all the chips in the bowl so let's start" Jasmine said

"We're coming " Laura said , she poured a cup of vodka in her cup then came over.

We all went to the sleeping bags and put the laptop in the middle of the room , we were gonna watch sinister. I've  already seen it but it never gets old . My sleeping bag was in the middle of Laura and Julian's sleeping bag .

"Oohhh sinister !! I love this movie" Mandi exclaimed

I poured a cup of vodka to go with the chips as well and I poured one for Julian, Martin and Julian haven't really talked since the last convo in the dining room.

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