Chapter 35 Catching up

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Jessica's POV

"Jordy you little wimp, get out from under the covers " I said smacking a pillow on his head, we were currently at his house binge watching horror movies and he has stayed under the covers almost the entire time.

"I'm not up for nightmares tonight and if you're up for that then it's not my problem "

"Fine, we'll watch something else " I said giving up, at least now I know Jordy's weakness.

"Put on 22 Jump street that shit is hilarious "

"Actually that's a great pick, I love that movie and it'll give me a chance to drool over Channing Tatum" I said swooning

"Oookkkaaay Jess we are not watching that"

"Well what do you suggest we do then?"

"I don't know? We could talk? "

"First guy who actually hasn't said anything stupid, and sure what do you wanna talk about?"

"You know stuff, like stuff about you, what do you like to do for fun? who are your best friends? Any siblings? "

"Well, I love to skateboard for fun and I have 4 siblings, an older brother, an older sister, one younger brother and one younger sister, and my best friends is an awesome chick named Jasmine"

"How about you, Rico Suavé? Anything I should know about you?" I continued

"Rico Suavé?? Seriously " He chuckled
"Well, I obviously like to produce music, I was a really good student at school and I always got straight A's, I own 2 dogs, currently at my dad's house, Never had a real girlfriend because every girl I've dated just used me for money or fame, and my best friends are Daan and Robbert, they've been there for me through everything and I'll always be there for them "

"Those bitches who used you for fame. You're not even famous " I said with a laugh "Well, uhmmm it's already 2am, I think I should get going " I told him

"Oh come on, you're gonna go back to your hotel at 2 am, it's dangerous, you can't just take a cab at 2am, why don't you stay the night and I'll just take the couch "

"Jordy you don't have to do that for me"

"No no, it's fine, the least I could do after I blamed you for the pranks " he said with a smirk

"Okay then, you take the couch " and so he did

"Goodnight Jordy, thanks "

"Goodnight Jessica, no problem " he said from the living room, he was so sweet leaving his gigantic master bedroom all to me.



My phone alarm rang and I was going to meet Martin today,shit what am I gonna wear? I gotta rush back to my hotel and get ready, I went out and left a note for Jordy because I didn't wanna wake him.

I took a cab, got to the hotel, took a shower and got dressed into some distressed jeans, a flannel and put on my black vans. I took another cab to the Spinnin' HQ and there he was.

"Hi Martin sorry I'm late " I said giving him a hug.

"Jess you're 1 minute late it doesn't matter " He said looking all happy

"You look lovely today" he continued

"Thanks Marty so do you "

"Wait since when did I have a nickname?"

"Come on, I nickname all my best friends " I said, I was somehow really happy to see him and I guess I had a change of heart

"Wait wait wait whaaattt?" He asked looking all confused

"Come on Garrix let's go get breakfast" I pulled him along to one of the best breakfast places ever, introduced to me by the awesome Daan of course.

" So, how has everything been?" Martin asked once we finally sat down at a table

"It's been great, ever since I came here it's like breathing a whole new air it's like everything is so new and it gets me so excited everyday"

" I can see that, so congrats on getting signed, 2 birds in one stone, Spinnin' and Revealed. Boy you sure are one heck of a producer " He said sincerely

"Thank you. Well, how bout you? How is the new music coming along? "

"It's been going okay-ish everytime I start a new track I end up not finishing it and moving on to another and it's just been a big blaahhh".

"A big blaahhh sounds like you need some inspiration, I suggest you find it, don't rush it and it will just hit you in the head like the stone that those two birds got hit by " I said with a chuckle (A.N. Two birds in one stone is just a metaphor and I am completely against animal abuse so kids, do not hit birds or any other animals)

He laughed at my statement and we talked for hours and caught up on everything and I just felt relieved to have an old friend here in this big city, well not really an old friend but more like a friend I've already grown used to. I was happy.


Martin's POV

This day couldn't have gone any better, it was perfect. And she even called me her best friend which I was so surprised by but nonetheless extremely happy about. We talked for hours and it felt so good that she actually didn't shut me out for once in her life and we spent the rest of the day just laughing about stupid things that happened in the past and just talking as friends, wait, best friends. I really hope this progresses into something more.

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