Chapter 43 Tomorrowland

532 14 20

35 hours

"Babe, stop stressing yourself out. I've heard it, you've heard it, Daan and Jordy have heard it and even Robbert, the man with zero time in his hands has heard it. It's great and we all know it. You have nothing to worry about."

"Martin, this is my first ever live performance and it's in front of tens and thousands of people. I want it to be perfect."

"And it will be. Now, get your butt over here and let's watch a movie"

"Sorry Marty, no time."

We were currently in Belgium where Martijn and I were in a shared hotel room. I was going through my set list for the billionth time. Can you blame me? I want everything to be perfect.

"Jessica, you need a break. Seriously" said Martin while coming over and rubbing my shoulders.

"No" I said and swatted his hands away

"Don't ruin your first Tomorrowland experience by sitting in a hotel room all day. Belgium is beautiful. Let's go out and explore. I'm bored in this room."

"Well then, get your whiny butt out of this room and explore Belgium, I'm not stopping you. Now, will you quit pestering me?" I snapped

"You're unbelievable." He said and slammed the door shut as he left our room.

"Asshat" I muttered

I continued to work for 4 more hours until I was officially exhausted. I added a couple more songs to the set list and finished it with a cherry on top. This should be great. I changed into some decent clothes and decided to "explore Belgium"

I was standing in the middle of a crowded street, lost and confused.

I approached a woman and asked her for directions to the nearest restaurant.

"No English, sorry" said the woman

I tried again and approached a man and asked him for directions. He also didn't understand.

I walked around and soon realized I had no idea how to get back to the hotel.

"I'm starving. Gosh, if only I'd followed Martin. I have no idea where to go. Why does no one speak English here?" I asked myself, half panicking and wishing that I'd never left the hotel.

"Well, you could try Brasserie de Schorre if you're hungry." said a voice from behind me.

"Huh?" I said turning around and was met with a tall and drool worthy guy.

"It's a restaurant, about a street down from here. They have really good food there." I heard him a bit more clearly and noticed that he had a British accent.


"I heard you talking to yourself and saying that you were hungry" he continued with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah" I trailed off awkwardly. Why did I have to talk to my self out loud.

"Well then, are you just going to stand there or are you going to let me show you where the restaurant is?"

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