Chapter 7 Beach day and pasta shower

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Once we reached the beach , I immediately got out of the car .

"Jess where are you going ?" Jasmine asked

"I'll be back in a few minutes , I just need some time to process things"

"Okay , we'll be right here"

Once I got away from them, I sat on a rock to think for a while.

I took out my phone and plugged in my headphones then googled 'Martin Garrix'.

Results came up and they matched exactly with that same idiot who's gonna stay at our house for a month. I went on my SoundCloud and listened to some of his music. The first track I landed on was "Virus (how about now)". This was really good. The next song I heard was " Animals".I definitely recognized this one. They played it on so many radio stations non stop.
I kept scrolling through his music and damn , I had to admit he was really great at this .
It actually motivated me to work on my tracks a lot more , and that's what I decided to do . I set a new goal for myself . I'm gonna work on new music and I'm gonna send it out to some labels. But I've told myself that a million times and its never happened. I'm just gonna see what happens this time.

I decided it was time to get back to my friends because it was getting dark.

I walked back to where they were , and as I expected , they were taking selfies while the sun was setting. I just shook my head at them , they were really great friends. I'm just so stupid sometimes .

"Jess , are you in a better mood now ?" Arte asked me

"Or are you gonna drown us in the ocean ?" Jasmine asked

"Nope I'm definitely all better now although I was contemplating whether or not I should drown you guys" I told them. I received a few eye rolls.

"Great , because this sunset is on point and you have to be in these pictures with us" Marta said

I rolled my eyes at her use of "on point"

"Yeah , plus our outfits look amazing and it would be perfect" Antonia agreed

"Okay fine , you guys are right , this sunset is on point and our outfits look great" I smiled

We took lots and lots of pictures and they all looked Tumblr and Instagram worthy . I had to admit , this was kinda fun.

We decided to do something a little crazy , so we all jumped into the ocean fully dressed and splashed around. This is the most fun I've had for days , even Antonia the fashion diva decided it was okay to ruin her outfit.

We made lots and lots of videos and we decided to light a bonfire for a while before we left. I got some wood from the beach , and luckily Arte had some matches .
We lit a bonfire and talked about some of our childhood memories

"Hey Arte remember when you climbed that tree and broke your arm just so you could save your cat ?" Marta asked

"Yeah I definitely remember that, I have this petty scar to remind me" Arte replied showing off her scar

"Yeah and we didn't know what to do because our parents weren't around , and then Jasmine took a stick pretending it was a wand , and tried to fix your arm just like the guy in Harry Potter" I said feeling nostalgic

"How bout that time where Jessica pretended to be an artist and distributed signed copy of her used coloring books to all our families on Christmas" Marta said

"Hey , I was six and I knew how to color inside the lines , I don't know any six year old who could do that" I defended

"Those were some fun times" Antonia said

"One day , we're gonna be looking back at all these memories and ask ourselves why were we so stupid" Jasmine said

"These are definitely stories we'll be telling our grandkids" Antonia replied

"Ewwww I don't see myself getting old" I mocked

"Yeah , but we all get old at some point in our lives" Arte said

"Eeewww we're gonna be all wrinkly and shit" Jasmine said

We all laughed and continued talking for a while until all our clothes dried off , we looked like crap , makeup was smudged on our face and our hair was a mess .

"Guys we can't meet Martin looking like this , how is he gonna fall in love with a bunch of trolls" Marta said

"Marta's right , we can meet him tomorrow , when we all look fabulous" Antonia said

"How bout tomorrow ?" I asked

"Yeah we're free tomorrow" Arte said

"Then it's settled , you'll meet Martin tomorrow" I told them

"Yay , great !" They all cheered

"Its really dark now , we should be getting home" Jasmine said

"Yeah , you're right ." I agreed

We put out the fire , and got in the car ready to drive home.

Once I dropped off everyone home I drove back to mine . I parked the car, got out and went inside the house.

"Mom , I'm back " I called out

"I'm here in the living room" she replied , so I walked inside the living room to see everyone watching TV. Movie night? Without me? Now that was just insulting

Rafa saw me and said;

"Oh my god , Jessica ! You look like you were buried alive and somehow escaped"

"Thanks, I was trying to look like you. I'm glad I succeeded" I replied

"Jessica , why on earth are you a mess ?" My mom asked

"Well , I was at the beach with my friends and we had this crazy idea of jumping in the ocean with all our clothes on and now here I am" I bragged.

"Aww , why didn't you take us with you ? "Alex asked

"Because you're not cool enough to join our squad" I replied

"Well , at least you had fun . Go get cleaned up ,there's pasta in the kitchen for you" My mom said

"Thanks mom" I replied , then went upstairs and took a shower then got changed . After that I went straight to the kitchen and guess who was sitting there eating my plate of pasta ?

Martin Garrix . That son of a...

"Garritsen , that's my pasta , What in the name of baby Jesus are you doing eating my food?" I flipped out. No one touches my food.

"Oh you know I was just hungry , and this dazzling plate of heavenly pasta was sitting there calling my name. I just had to ."He said stating the obvious

"You have 10 seconds to put down that fork or else"

"Or else what ?" he challenged , I counted to 10 in my head and he still didn't put down the fork , so I went and took snatched the plate of pasta , then spilled it all over his head .

"What the actual fuck" He screamed

"No one , I repeat no one , touches my food and gets away with it, so consider this your first and last warning" I said innocently

"You're so gonna get it Anderson, this means war." He said

"We'll see about that Garrix" I said using he's stage name , I left the kitchen leaving him flabbergasted as to what just happened .

I went inside my room laughing my ass off when I realized , I just spilled my dinner all over his head and left without even getting anything to eat . I probably should've thought my plan out a little better . Ah well , I'll just order Italian food.



Hey !! I'm gonna be out all day today so I decided to update one chapter now and 2 more when I get back ! :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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