Chapter 16 Woman with the braids and ghosts

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To say that everyone was scared shitless right now would be the understatement of a century. Everyone was just staring at the basement door.

"Guys, I'm getting really freaked out now" Laura said

"This isn't some kind of stupid ass horror film where we have to go and investigate a so called deadly haunted basement. The rational thing to do is just to walk over and close the damn door" I said as I walked over and closed the door then locked it.

"See ? Was that so hard ?" I asked , I wasn't gonna let something so stupid scare me , I mean its an old house , of course there's gonna be creaking and banging and stuff.

"Jess, get out of that spot " Laura whispered , she suddenly turned pale as she talked

"What the ? Laura are you okay ? you look like a freaking albino right now" I said

"Jessie , there are two girls standing right behind you" Mandi whispered turning pale.
I turned around to find the basement door opened again, I was shocked and this time I was standing in front of it until Rafa spoke

"Jess, they're smiling , move away from there " Rafa said as she opened her bag and got a Polaroid camera . I moved away as she captured a photo .
She waved the photo letting it process and handed it to me , I looked to see that there was indeed two ladies smiling in the photo. I was really scared by now

"Julian, Martin! What's taking you guys so long? " I called out

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"Julian, Martin! What's taking you guys so long? " I called out

No one answered .

"Guuuyyysss ! Answer me" I called out again .

"Uh , yeah we'll be down in a second" I heard Martin say , it didn't sound right though . I went and sat on the couch and everyone else came next to me , obviously we all didn't fit but they just either sat on the floor or just near me . pfft scaredy cats . We waited 15 minutes and they still weren't back .

"Jesssss, what's taking them so long ? I'm so scared " Rafa said

"Okay , you guys stay right here. Jess and I will just go see what's up. Nothing is gonna happen okay ? Antonia said

"Fine fine , just please be quick" Rafa said

"Okay, don't move and don't go anywhere" I told them

"Pfftt , like we'd ever get out of here anyway" Jasmine said . She was badass yeah , but she also had a soft side and that soft side had many fears along with it , she must be terrified .

Antonia and I walked upstairs , we were on the second floor .

"Okay , I'll check the third floor and you check around the second" Antonia said , damn where is all this bravery coming from ?

"What the ?No we can't split up !" I said , it's true. Splitting up was a stupid idea , why the heck would we do that?

"Okay , we all know you're the logical one and you don't want to split up but think of the other logical answer. First of all; this house is huge and we'll never find them unless we split up and second, they could be anywhere so if any of us finds them first we just blow this whistle one time and that means we have to meet downstairs. If you're ever in danger or if there's anything wrong blow this whistle twice so we'll find each other. Just make sure that after you blow it twice , you blow it again repeatedly so we can follow the sound . " She said as she handed me a whistle , she also had one around her neck , damn I gotta admit , this was a pretty good plan.

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