Chapter 9 Hiking bumps

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The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. Ugh I need some Advil .

I went into the bathroom and opened up the medicine cabinet. Great news; there wasn't any left.

I went downstairs to see if anyone was awake , and no one was. I checked the time and it read 5:00am. Why would anyone be awake right now ?

It was still a little dark outside. I'll just drive to the pharmacy and get some for myself. I went back to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and got changed into some black leggings and a cropped hoodie that said 'Sarcasm Is My Super Power' because it was still pretty cold in the morning and well, sarcasm is my super power. I put on my converse and put my hair up in a bun. I looked pretty decent. I nodded in approval before I got my car keys and left .

I drove to the pharmacy which was 30 minutes away from our house. Damn why do we live in a place so isolated from the entire world ? Once I got there I bought my medicine and took them almost immediately . Good thing I brought a bottle of water with me . I sat in my car for a few minutes letting the medicine take effect. After a while I felt a little bit better so I decided to go to the local hiking trail and go for a morning jog.

I plugged in my earphones and started running , just nowhere , I just needed to enjoy myself a bit, jogging usually got my mind off things . I kept running not even looking where I went when I suddenly bumped into someone and got knocked over . What the heck ? I looked up to see a really cute guy staring down at me , I took off my earphones to hear what he was saying.

"I'm so sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going , here let me help you" He said extending his hand. I gladly reached out for it

"It's fine , I wasn't really looking where I was going either"

"Nice hoodie" he said smirking

"Thanks" I replied . "You're not really from around here are you ?" I continued

"How could you tell ?" He asked

"Well first , I've been here a hundred times before and I would've at least recognized you but I don't , and second you have a foreign accent" I said stating the obvious.

"Well , you're right .This is my first time going hiking here in LA so you would've never seen me , and I do have a foreign accent , dutch to be exact ."

"I knew it . I'm Jessica , Jessica Anderson" I said reaching out my hand

"Julian , Julian Dobbenburg" He said taking mine and shaking it .

"Its nice to meet you Julian"

"Likewise Jessica" He said smiling

"Well , I better get going now" I told him

"Wait , it's still early"He said

"Well , obviously"

"There's a coffee shop right around the corner , you wanna join me ?"

"Well my mom told me not to talk to strangers"

"Well, you're talking to me right now, the damage has already been done" he said with a smirk

"Fine , why not ?"

"Okay then , let's go"

We walked to the coffee shop which looked adorable . It wasn't a big coffee shop like Starbucks , it was more of a coffee shop where you'd see a woman drinking coffee , reading a book and a man suddenly sits down and they fall in love , that cliché type of thing .

It had flowers surrounding the outside which was really beautiful and just screamed home to me . We went inside and ordered a cappuccino then sat down .

"So what do you do for a living ?" He asked me

"Well I'm 17 so I still don't have a stable job" I told him

"Well then, what do you want to do for a living ?" He asked more specifically this time

"Okay , I know some people would say this is more of a hobby than a job so don't laugh at me okay?"

" I promise I won't laugh at you" He said with an adorably cheeky smile

"Well , I produce electronic music and I'm really into it so I wanna make a career as a DJ/Producer ." somehow I felt comfortable telling him about my music.

"No way !!! Are you serious ? " He exclaimed

"Is there something wrong with it ?"

"No, there's nothing wrong , I'm an EDM producer myself , I go by the name Julian Jordan" He said

"Wait , Julian Jordan ? I've heard of you , aren't you the guy that made that song Angels x Demons ?"I said

"Yes ! Exactly" He replied and we automatically clicked

"Wow , I didn't recognize you , I love your music. You're a great  producer" I told him

"Thank you , I really appreciate it , you should let me hear your music sometime Jessica"

"I don't know about that. I mean nobody has ever really heard my music besides well, myself"

"Hey, I know we just met, but I'm not the kind of musician to crush your dreams and give bad feedback. I've been in your situation so I understand what you're feeling." He said and I trusted his words

"Well maybe, I don't know if I'm completely comfortable with a random stranger hearing my music but we'll see how it goes"

"We should keep in touch. You know, for music related stuff , because it would be weird to ask for your number without a good reason" He smirked

"Yeah definitely music related stuff" I said , I put my number in his phone and he did the same for mine .

"I'll see you again won't I ?" he asked

"Depends" I told him

"On what?"

"On if I want to go jogging again" I replied with a smirk

"Well then it was great meeting you Jessica"

"You too , thanks for the coffee" I said

"No problem"

And with that we went our separate ways . He was extremely nice , and not to mention drop dead absolutely mother effin gorgeous . I'm glad I ran into him , or uh he ran into me , and knocked me over.


Hey guys ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! I thought Julian would be a great addition to the book , besides the fact he's drop dead motha effin gorgeous , he's also really nice . What do you guys think ? Should I keep him in the book or naaahhh ?? :)

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