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Whispers of Stillness
In the depths of quietude,
Where words lose their way,
A realm of whispers unfolds,
In silence, they gently sway.

No grand declarations,
Nor clamor of noise,
Just soft exhalations,
A symphony of poise.

Within the hush, a language,
Unspoken, yet profound,
A tapestry of emotions,
In silence, they are found.

For sometimes in silence,
The loudest truths reside,
And in the absence of sound,
Our souls truly collide.

Unheard Echoes
In the realm of silence,
A melody unfolds,
Unheard by eager ears,
Yet the heart closely holds.

Each note, a gentle echo,
Resonating in the void,
The silence, a canvas,
Where emotions are deployed.

Unspoken words, unvoiced desires,
In the stillness they reside,
Whispering their existence,
Where sound cannot confide.

So listen to the silence,
The language of the unsaid,
For in its profound emptiness,
The deepest truths are spread.

Sacred Silence
Silence, oh sacred companion,
In your embrace, I find solace,
When the world grows too loud,
You offer me a quiet palace.

In the stillness, I discover,
The secrets hidden within,
A sanctuary for reflection,
Where the soul finds kin.

You speak without words,
Your presence whispers grace,
You heal the wounds of chaos,
With your tranquil embrace.

Silence, profound and gentle,
A balm for a weary mind,
In your sweet surrender,
Peace and wisdom I find.

These are just a few glimpses into the world of silence. Each poem aims to capture the essence and beauty found within moments of quiet contemplation.

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