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In the realm where whispers cease to be,
Where words surrender, setting us free,
There lies a tapestry woven in lace,
A symphony of stillness, embraced in grace.

Silence, a language beyond our tongue,
A melody untamed, yet softly sung,
In its tender arms, secrets confide,
The depths of emotions, it does provide.

The hushed forest whispers to the moon,
As night's velvet cloak begins to swoon,
The stars above, they shimmer and gleam,
Their silence speaks of a cosmic dream.

The gentle breeze, a breath of repose,
Through rustling leaves, a story it shows,
The sighs of nature, a sonnet's art,
Unspoken verses, they touch the heart.

In silent glances, two souls converse,
No words are needed, their bond immersed,
Eyes intertwine, the world disappears,
And in that stillness, love perseveres.

Within the chambers of solitude's lair,
The mind finds solace, lifted from care,
Ideas bloom like flowers in the morn,
In the vast expanse where thoughts are born.

Silence, a canvas, blank and serene,
Where artists paint worlds yet unseen,
In absence of sound, creation thrives,
As imaginations take wondrous dives.

Yet, silence holds a paradoxical guise,
For it can heal but also chastise,
In moments dark, it can feel cruel,
An echoing void, an abyss so full.

Embrace the pause, let stillness reside,
The calm within the tempest's stride,
In silence, we find the seeds of peace,
A balm for wounds that refuse to cease.

So listen closely to silence's rhyme,
A gentle rhythm, transcending time,
In the symphony of life's grand scheme,
Silence whispers, and in it, we gleam.

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