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"In the Hush"
In the hush of night's embrace,
When stars whisper and shadows trace,
Silence reigns, a velvet cloak,
Binding words, an unspoken yoke.

A symphony of quietude,
Where thoughts unfold in solitude,
The beauty of the unvoiced lies,
In silent realms, where stillness sighs.

"The Language of Silence"
In silence, a language unspoken,
A realm where secrets find their token,
For words oft fail to capture true,
The depths that silence takes us to.

In quietude, a melody is found,
A gentle hum without a sound,
It speaks in whispers, soft and clear,
To hearts attuned, eager to hear.

"Echoes of Silence"
Through corridors of quiet space,
Echoes of silence find their place,
Unheard, yet resonating deep,
In stillness, secrets gently keep.

The language of absence, profound,
In quietude, wisdom is found,
For in the pauses, truth does dwell,
A sacred hush, where spirits swell.

"The Silent Hour"
When day surrenders to twilight's glow,
The silent hour begins to grow,
No words can pierce the tranquil air,
As silence weaves its mystic snare.

A gentle hush, a sacred balm,
Where souls find solace, calm and warm,
In whispered sighs and quiet dreams,
The silent hour, a realm it seems.

These poems attempt to capture the essence and power of silence, the moments when words fail and quietude becomes a language of its own.

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