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In the hush of twilight's grace,
Where whispers still the clamorous pace,
A sonnet born of quiet's trance,
I sing to you, the song of silence.

Softly draped in shadows' veil,
The world surrenders to night's tale,
A canvas vast, the stars' ballet,
As silence weaves its mystic play.

No words to cage the fleeting dreams,
In stillness, truth and beauty gleams,
The gentle touch of zephyrs near,
Conveys the language we hold dear.

A symphony in quietude,
Where solitude finds its aptitude,
The heart's respite, a soul's reprieve,
In silence, we truly believe.

Amidst the noise that life bestows,
In silence, the essence of being flows,
Embracing peace within its core,
In reverie, we seek to explore.

Unsaid emotions, tender and raw,
Take refuge in silence's awe,
For often, in unspoken grace,
Deepest meanings find their space.

The spaces between each note we hear,
Convey emotions far and near,
In silence, we find the art of speech,
The wisdom that no words can reach.

So, let us linger in the quiet's sway,
As night turns into the break of day,
For in the depths of silence's sea,
We find ourselves, and we are free.

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