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In the realm where whispers wane,
Amidst a world of hush and calm,
Where stillness paints the canvas plain,
A poem of silence finds its psalm.

No thunderous roar or raucous cries,
No tempest wild, nor maddened crowd,
Just tranquil pause 'neath endless skies,
In silence, words are disavowed.

The moon suspends its silver gleam,
Embracing shadows in embrace,
A timeless dance, a silent dream,
Where echoes find no dwelling place.

Oh, gentle breeze, do not betray,
The sacred vows of quietude,
Let not your secrets slip away,
In silent grace, we're all renewed.

In silence, we find solace deep,
An inner peace, a sacred art,
From clamor's chains, our spirits leap,
Untethered, like a soaring lark.

The heart's sweet symphony is heard,
Beyond the bounds of spoken verse,
In stillness, every note's conferred,
No need for language to converse.

Unveiling truths, profound and wise,
In silence' sanctuary grand,
A mirror to the soul's own guise,
Where understanding takes a stand.

Though silence may be hard to bear,
In midst of noise and clamor's call,
It holds a treasure, rare and fair,
A healing balm for one and all.

So let us cherish silence' grace,
Its melody of peace we'll find,
In quietude, we'll seek our place,
And let our souls be unconfined.

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