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In the realm of silence,
Words dissolve like mist,
The language of the heart,
Whispers in gentle twist.

In silence's embrace,
A symphony is born,
Unheard melodies dance,
In shadows of the morn.

Silence, a sanctuary,
Where thoughts find repose,
A tranquil refuge,
Where inner wisdom flows.

In silence's depth,
Truth finds its voice,
Unveiling mysteries,
That only silence can rejoice.

Within the quiet stillness,
A universe resides,
Where silence speaks louder,
Than a thousand tides.

In the hush of the night,
Stars whisper their tales,
In the silence of their light,
Eternity prevails.

Embrace the sacred pause,
Where silence claims its throne,
In the silence, we find solace,
And make the world our own.

SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now