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In the hush of twilight's grace,
Where whispers weave 'cross time and space,
A verse unsung, a tale untold,
Lies the realm of silence, pure and bold.

Upon this canvas, blank and vast,
The symphony of quiet is cast,
Each brushstroke of stillness, divine,
Unfolding secrets, so serpentine.

Within the depths of silent seas,
An echo dances on the breeze,
Softly cradling dreams unspoken,
In the heart's chamber, unbroken.

In shadows' embrace, the world may rest,
As slumber's kiss adorns each crest,
A symphony of stillness thrives,
Unveiling truths that silence derives.

In absence of the spoken word,
A thousand stories can be heard,
In the language of the soul's retreat,
Where truth and wisdom gently meet.

Ode to silence, art profound,
Where meaning leaps without a sound,
In quietude, hearts find their way,
Through the night, into the day.

And when the tempest's roar subsides,
A sanctuary silence provides,
To mend the wounds that words can't mend,
In the refuge of a silent friend.

Embrace the solace, hear it sing,
Where thoughts take flight on silent wing,
In this gentle, tranquil dance,
Find peace in silence's sweet expanse.

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