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In the realm of hush, where whispers hide,
Lies a world where silence doth abide.
A verse untold, a melody unsung,
In the depths of quiet, where hearts are strung.

Oh, Silence, thou art a symphony divine,
A canvas vast, where thoughts align.
In stillness found, the soul takes flight,
Through boundless spaces, clothed in night.

The gentle breeze, a silent sigh,
Through rustling leaves, it whispers by.
And in the twilight's tender grace,
The fading light, a soft embrace.

The moon above, with silver gleam,
Reflects in waters, a mirrored dream.
Where words fall short, in mute allure,
The universe's secrets pure.

Amidst the noise that fills the air,
Silence dwells, with gentle care.
In empty spaces, it resides,
A refuge from the world outside.

Within the hearts that ache and grieve,
A soothing balm, in silence weave.
For in its depth, the wounds find rest,
A healing touch, a solace blessed.

In love, a glance can speak a tale,
No need for words, when hearts prevail.
In tender silence, hearts unite,
In wordless vows, love's sacred rite.

Oh, sweet Silence, thy mystic art,
Reveals the truths that lie in heart.
In quietude, we seek our soul,
And find the parts that make us whole.

Embrace the stillness, let it be,
A sanctuary, wild and free.
In silence, we discover grace,
And in its arms, we find our place.

So cherish moments, pure and still,
For silence speaks, and hearts fulfill.
In this poetic ode to thee,
The beauty of silence sets us free.

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