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"Silence" by Edgar Allan Poe
Deep in the recesses of a shadowed room,
Silence reigns, a haunting gloom.
No word is spoken, no sound is heard,
Just the echo of an unspoken word.

"The Silent One" by Rumi
In the stillness of the night,
The silent one finds his delight.
With no words to say, he listens keen,
And through silence, he is truly seen.

"In the Quiet" by Emily Dickinson
In the quiet of the morning's hush,
I feel the world in silent rush.
The birdsong whispers in my ear,
And silence speaks what words can't hear.

"The Language of Silence" by Pablo Neruda
In the language of silence, we find solace,
When words fail to express our malice.
The quiet moments, so deep and profound,
Hold the wisdom that can't be bound.

"A Song of Stillness" by Langston Hughes
In the stillness of the evening sky,
I hear a song that makes me sigh.
The silence sings a melody divine,
And in its embrace, my soul does shine.

"The Sound of Silence" by T.S. Eliot
The sound of silence, like a distant bell,
Echoes through the depths of a secret well.
In its absence, we find profound meaning,
And hear the whispers of the world's leaning.

"The Unsaid" by Mary Oliver
In the unsaid lies the power,
To bridge the gap and make hearts flower.
The silence speaks volumes, deep and true,
When words fall short, it carries us through.

These poems explore the beauty and significance of silence, highlighting its ability to convey emotions, offer solace, and reveal profound truths.

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