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In the realm where whispers fade,
And stillness reigns supreme,
A poem of silence gently made,
Unraveling a tranquil dream.

No words to dance upon the air,
No verse to break the hush,
Just solitude, tender and rare,
An essence we should rush.

In silence, secrets are concealed,
Like stars behind the clouds,
The deepest truths are thus revealed,
In quietude that shrouds.

The world may roar with its demands,
Its chaos may surround,
Yet silence, with its gentle hands,
Brings peace that can't be bound.

In quiet woods or empty halls,
Where echoes softly cease,
The heart finds solace in the walls,
Of tranquil, wordless peace.

Oh, silence, speak your wordless tale,
A symphony of calm,
Your touch, a balm to hearts that ail,
A healing, soothing psalm.

Embrace the stillness that descends,
Let words find restful slumber,
For in the quiet, we find amends,
And hearts begin to lumber.

So, let this poem of silence be,
A tribute to the space,
Where souls can find serenity,
And time finds slower pace.

May we learn to cherish quiet's art,
And let its grace unfold,
For in the silence of the heart,
The truest stories are told.

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