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Whispered Stillness
In the hush of the night,
Where shadows dance with moonlight,
Silence weaves its gentle spell,
And whispers secrets we long to tell.

No words are needed in this space,
For silence holds a sacred grace,
It speaks in sighs and tender breaths,
Revealing truths that silence begets.

In stillness, hearts find their repose,
As the world around us softly slows,
In the embrace of quiet's embrace,
We find solace, we find grace.

The Language of Silence
In the realm of silence, a language is born,
Where the unspoken finds its form,
Words retreat, and silence takes flight,
Painting emotions in shades of light.

A touch, a glance, a knowing smile,
In silence, they speak, mile after mile,
For in the absence of sound, we find,
A deeper connection, one of a kind.

In silence, mysteries come alive,
Whispers of the soul begin to thrive,
No need for words to bridge the divide,
When silence becomes our guide.

The Sound of Silence
Within the stillness of a quiet morn,
A symphony of silence is quietly born,
It fills the air with a gentle breeze,
And rustles the leaves upon the trees.

The sound of silence sings its song,
A melody that lingers, sweet and strong,
It speaks of peace, it speaks of rest,
A sanctuary within, a welcome guest.

In the depths of silence, we can hear,
The whispers of our hopes and fears,
For silence holds the power to heal,
To bring us closer to what is real.

These are just a few examples of poems about silence. I hope you enjoy them!

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