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In the realm of silence, whispers grace,
A mystic dance in tranquil space.
Where words, like petals, gently fall,
A tapestry of quiet thrall.

Within this hush, the world unwinds,
And hearts find solace, deeply entwined.
No need for speech, no need for sound,
For silence echoes, profound.

In dawn's embrace or twilight's glow,
The quietude begins to grow,
Enveloping souls in its embrace,
A symphony of serene grace.

Through forest glades and oceans deep,
In silent meadows, secrets keep.
The stars above, they softly gleam,
An ethereal, celestial dream.

In moments shared, two souls converse,
Without a word, they lift the curse
Of burdens carried, hearts released,
Through silence, love's song is pieced.

In solitude, we meet ourselves,
In silence, delve into our wells
Of wisdom, hidden, deep within,
A treasure trove where truths begin.

But silence, too, can speak of pain,
The sorrow's hush, the tears like rain.
Yet even then, it soothes the soul,
A balm of comfort, making whole.

Within the stillness, worlds arise,
A universe behind closed eyes.
The cosmos whispers secrets rare,
In quietude, we're called to share.

So let us cherish silence's might,
A respite from the bustling plight.
For in its depths, we find our core,
And hear life's essence evermore.

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